Chapter 15

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As I struggled to free myself from the cramped space of the tea cart, Xaden approached me with a calm yet determined demeanor. His strong hands reached out, gently grasping mine as he guided me out of the compartment. I leaned on him for support, feeling the warmth of his touch as he carefully helped me to stand. But as I shifted my weight onto my foot, a sudden jolt of pain shot through my ankle, causing me to wince and lose my balance.

With a sharp creaking sound, my ankle gave way beneath me, and I stumbled forward, nearly falling if not for Xaden's quick reflexes. He caught me just in time, his arms wrapping around me protectively as he steadied my trembling form. The discomfort was evident on my face as I winced, my ankle throbbing with each movement.

"Oh my God! This is terrible. My ankle hurts," I shout out.

"Shhh," Xaden hushed me softly, his voice soothing amidst the chaos. With gentle hands, he lifted me effortlessly into his arms, my own instinctively wrapping around his neck for support. Cradled against his chest, I felt a sense of security wash over me as he carried me with ease.

Once inside his room, Xaden carefully lowered me onto his bed, his touch gentle as he ensured I was comfortable. Despite the throbbing pain in my ankle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance in his presence, a silent comfort amidst the turmoil.

"Blizzard, bring a cloth," Xaden called out, his voice firm yet calm.

Blizzard nodded in acknowledgment and swiftly exited the room, leaving Xaden and me alone in the dimly lit chamber. As we waited for his return, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of quiet companionship.

"Xaden, nothing feels right here. I want to return to my world. Please," I said, tension evident on my face. "I'm afraid I won't survive here. What if someone sees me?"

Xaden knelt before me, his expression grave yet comforting as he took hold of my hand. "I'm sorry for everything you've had to endure," he began, his voice sincere. "Believe me, I didn't act without reason. You're safe here in my room, under my protection. And I promise you, you will return to your place safely."

His words carried a weight of reassurance, offering a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty of our circumstances. But something was off about him. He kidnapped me in the first place. He put me into a prison in a tower away from the castle. He flirted with me. He ran from his own engagement. And then, he was being nice to me. Gentle with me. Something really seemed off.

Waking me from my thoughts, still on his knees, he said, "People here knew you as a human spy. Remember how you got caught?" I let him speak at length without expressing or interrupting. "They would have taken you directly to my father and sentenced you to death because humans are not allowed here. But I captured you. Put you in the cell far off from the place. I let the people know that you have died. That I killed you."

I was utterly stunned, unable to process the weight of his words.

"What's your-" I began, but my question was cut short by the sudden appearance of Blizzard, who hurried into the room with a cloth in hand. His smile faltered slightly as he saw me on the bed with Xaden kneeling beside me. Without a word, Xaden reached out to take the cloth from Blizzard's hand. "Keep watch outside," he instructed firmly. "Make sure she's safe."

With practiced care, Xaden guided me to sit comfortably on the edge of his bed, his touch gentle yet firm as he supported my weight. As he knelt before me, his hands moved with a grace that belied his strength, his fingers expertly assessing the extent of the injury. With each careful movement, I felt the tension in my muscles slowly ease, replaced by a sense of calm that washed over me like a soothing balm.

With deft fingers, Xaden began to massage my sprained ankle, his touch sending a ripple of warmth coursing through my veins. The tension melted away beneath his skilled ministrations, replaced by a sense of relief that spread from my toes to the very core of my being. With each gentle stroke, I felt the pain begin to fade, replaced by a sense of comfort that enveloped me like a soft embrace. And as he finished tying the cloth securely around my ankle, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards him for his care and kindness in my time of need.

"Thank you, Xaden," I said and he winked at me.


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