The Tea

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When I say Mariella I mean Maple pretending to be Mariella, when around others.

Artemisa is Mariella's nickname for Artemis. Mari is Artemis' nickname for Mariella.

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"Molto bene Artemisa! Incredible likeness to the manor!" exclaimed Mariella.

"Very good Maple! Wonderfully said!" purred Opal into Mariella's ear.

"Thank you Mari!" said Artemis, beaming genuinely at her for one of the many times since Holly's disappearance.

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 After a day of searching for Holly,  Artemis sat down at the table in the library, head in hands.

"Artemisa? No luck?" asked Mariella.

"No. No luck."
"Now Maple: THE TEA." said Opal in Mariella's ear.

"Artemisa, I have your tea. It's Earl Grey, no sugars." said Mariella.

"Thank you Mari." said Artemis accepting the tea, "Is this a shortbread biscuit?"


"Thank you." said Artemis, sipping the tea.

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"Well done, someone listened at least." said Koboi, "I was worried that he would realise that you knew about Holly.

"I was worried." replied Maple.

"Me too."

"Stage two?"

"Possession. Yes."

"Let the games begin."

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