Dublin Docks,

19 2 0

"Now," said the girl with blonde hair and tan skin, "Willow and Birch you take the prisoner to that whaler there, high lead content. Impossible to see through with thermal imaging."

"Yes Mistress Maple, as you wish Miss Maple." chorused the grunts.

"Now I have some important business to attend to." said Maple, smiling maliciously.


Many hours have passed since Maple had left the docks and now Artemis and Butler are there.

"Mr Diggums should be here by now," said Artemis.

"I know Artemis, it's okay." comforted Butler. A mound of earth bubbled and spilled as Mulch appeared.

"Hello mud boys!" exclaimed Mulch Diggums.

"May I remind you that we have a situation here?" said Artemis.

"All right. Fine. You're such a fun spoiler." grumbled Mulch.

"Well the locator is going off inside that whaler there. " said Artemis pointing to the largest whaler. So they went inside the whaler.

The whaler was dark and dingy by anythings standards. The locator beat steadily in front of Artemis, but there was only a box.

"Artemis Fowl, good to see you again." hissed a serpentine voice familiar but yet not recognisable.

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