Part 21

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Today is the day Sam comes back from his trip. It's also his birthday. He did tell Nina he wanted to spend it just with her and the twins well she has something more up her sleeves.

She invited Michelle and her husband and kids, Diana, her husband and kids, Jose, her husband and kid, and Justin.

They are decorating the backyard of Nina's place by the pool.

Diana and Michelle are inside preparing the food, while Jose and Nina are decorating outside, the dads are just around and only help while needed.

"You have really softened more on him huh" Jose said, "mhm. I don't know it just happened automatically" Nina said smiling,

"I'm happy for you, you deserve it" Jose said too.

Time passed, they were done with everything, everyone was in their swimsuit just waiting around.

"Nina, Justin just texted they are five minutes away" Michelle said, "okay let's go to the gate then. Craig and Cara don't forget to run to your daddy and jump on him as strong as you can" Nina said then turned to the twins making everyone laugh a little.

They walked to the gate, Nina held the champagne while the others held small confetti packs.

Soon the black jeep drove to the automatic gates as they opened.

Justin and Sam came out of the car,

"Surprise!" Everyone screamed and popped their confetti.

The twins ran to their dad, "happy birthday to the best daddy in the whole wide world" they said and kissed each side of his jaw,

"My babies" he said smiling.

He later put them down and Nina walked to him, "happy birthday babe" she said and he opens his eyes in surprise,

"Babe?" He asked, "I was saving it for a special moment, one step at a time remember" she said smiling  and gave him a kiss,

"You did all this?" He asked looking at everyone, "wait till you see the backyard" Nina said happily.

"Here, pop it" she handed the champagne to him and he popped it.

Everyone cheered and they later went to the backyard.

"Justin and Samuel you both go change into your swimsuits so we can eat I'm hungry" Michelle said making everyone laugh,

"Wow I- thank you babe, I love it and I love you" he said shocked, "I love you too, we have our little village Sam and you deserve to be celebrated, after all your hardships, and Michelle said since you left you never celebrated your birthday. It's nothing big but it's with the ones we love, the ones you love, we are here for you, babe" Nina said sincerely smiling and he smiled and hugged her again,

"Thank you so much" he said kissing her, it was tasty and savory, "whoa whoa whoa, you might want to take that to the bedroom later not now" Justin shouted making the others laugh,

"Let them be" Diana said as they laughed.

Sam and Justin went and changed.

They played in the pool, ate, barbecued, played games.

They were just sitting around and relaxing when the bell rang,

"What more do you have up your sleeves?" Sam asked Nina and her smile fell and her expression changed to nervousness,

"Look Michelle, Justin, Samuel, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do or what I already did. If there's one thing, family matters the most to me, you guys have your problems and arguments with her but it's the only last thing I could do. Your mum reached out to me. She cried and begged and apologized and told me if there's one thing she regrets is pushing away all her children. I wouldn't talk and cover much for her, I'll let her explain herself. I still have my resentment towards her, but reconcile with your mum before you regret it" Nina said a little nervous and the siblings looked at her dumbfounded.

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