Part 20

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Days passed, time went by, it's been two weeks since Sam left. It's been the usual routine. School, work, dancing, swimming, etc.

Today is Cara's daddy daughter dance and sadly Samuel isn't available to take her. It makes the little girl angry because her dad promised her.

Leo, Jose husband is taking both Maya and Cara, he's at Nina's place waiting for Cara to finish getting ready,

"Mummy daddy promised he was going to come and take me, he lied. My dad is back but he can't even take me to the dance" Cara said angrily,

"Come on princess your daddy tried but work held him back. You look so pretty, no princess should be angry looking this beautiful, your daddy said he will make it up to you right?" Nina said, they were in Cara's room,

She stood in front of the mirror as Nina fixed her red ball dress with sparkles on it. She held Cara's curly hair in a high ponytail and brushed her edges.

"Here let's put some lip gloss on" Nina said as she applied lip gloss on Cara, "oh my gosh who gave birth to this beautiful girl? Whose daughter are you?" Nina said cheerfully while admiring how beautiful her daughter was,

"Nina Wilson and Samuel Salvador!" Cara screamed back happily and hugged her mum, Nina chuckled happily, "thank you for making me look so beautiful mummy, I love you" Cara said to her mum,

"I love you too my baby. Remember have as much fun as you can okay? Your uncle Leo and Maya will be with you, don't be mad at your dad" Nina tried to please her daughter Cara nodded slowly,

"Who's mad at me?" A voice said from behind them, Cara looked through the mirror and a big smile spread through her lips,

"Daddy" she screamed while running to her dad, Sam picked her up and spun her around, "I will never miss a daddy daughter dance ever you will grow up  and get sick of me wanting to always go with you" Sam said,

"I won't! I'm glad you could make it" Cara said excitedly, Nina just stood by the side smiling.

He later put Cara down and walked to Nina, "you look so good" Nina complimented, he wore suit pants, not tight, a t-shirt and a blazer over.

"Have to show out for our baby girl" he said and they hugged and later kissed each other, "it was so hard trying to convince her to stay calm, I felt sad we kept it from her that you were coming, little girl almost started crying" Nina said,

Yes they planned to surprise Cara, it was her first dance with her dad so they wanted to make it more memorable.

"Are you excited?" Nina asked her daughter, "yes I am!" Cara answered happily.

"Where's Craig?" Sam asked, "in his room, he should be playing video games" Nina answered,

"Let me go say hi to him real quick" Sam said and they nodded before Sam walked to Craig's room.

He knocked on the door three times before going in, Craig was sited on his game desk, with his headphones in, that's why he couldn't hear the knock on the door,

"I almost broke my hand knocking so hard" Sam said while moving Craig's headphones,

He turned and looked and his eyes widened in happiness, "dad!" Craig screamed and hugged his dad,

"Buddy, I missed you" Sam said, "I missed you too dad" Craig said back hugging his dad again.

"I have to take your sister to the dance, when we come back you have to teach me how to play okay?" Sam said and asked, "sure thing" Craig said.

They both walked to the living room and met the others, "you look pretty Cara" Craig complimented his sister,

"Thank you Craig, bye" Cara said, "bye, have fun" Craig said back.

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