A 17 year-old's Pajama Party

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After shopping and going to the grocery (For snacks) we got home to my condo unit with Jennifer babbling about it. She's making such a big deal! It's getting me annoyed now like...I just hope she would stop. "Look, everything you just bought right now is really expensive now I would like you to do something in return."

She was still jumpy and hyper as she asked me about it. "Shut up. You're making a huge deal out of everything seriously." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Whatevs." She said and pursed her lips like a kid. Well, her brain is the same as a three year-old. Some people just don't grow up don't they? "Anyway, nice place you got here."

"Yeah, it is pretty cool." I said and sat on the sofa. "You could borrow a pajama from my closet." I told her and pointed to a door. The moment she opened it she screamed out loud "OH MY GOD, KATRINA GOMEZ!!!"

Assuming that there was trouble, I bolted next to her and looked inside. Clothes, shoes, vanity mirror...other shit, my walk in closet. "What?" I asked Jennifer.

"You're hiding a treasure in your place and you didn't tell me??!" Oh, I forgot. I have a fashionista for a bestfriend..."This room is huge and oh my gosh!! It's like Folded and Hung and Etude House or the whole SM department store in here! I'm really envious!" She blabbered excitedly as she grabbed my arm and shook it. I'm glad she thinks that it's pretty.

"Hold on!" I told her and rummaged through the closet. I've bought a pair of pj's that she can use while she's here. I smiled to Jennifer as I threw the clothes at her. "See if it fits you." She grinned and took off her clothes on the spot. "Why are you so excited? They're just pajamas." Her eyes widened and said "Gomez!! These aren't just any pajamas... They are the limited edition—"

"I have had enough of Jiwoo at the moment. Tonight would be just the two of us and not anything that has to say about my work." I cut her off. She frowned at me wanting to continue her description of the dreaded pajamas. I remember Jiwoo who always teaches me facts about clothes, what they're made of and who made them... How expensive or rare they are. To be honest, I have never been that interested even if I do remember most of the stuff he says.

"Now." I said and put my hands on my hips. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. She pursed her lips and said "Make food?"

And so we did make food. And while at it, she bombarded me once again with lots of questions. "Any hot guys in Korea?" I laughed and said "You know the answer to that Jen."

"No, I mean any hot guys that you know..." She asked smiling weirdly and wiggled her eyebrows. "What?" I asked.

"Okay, let me rephrase the question instead. Any naughty, hot guys in Korea?" She asked squealling a little. I laughed and nodded. Korea is full of hot men. I am not kidding.

"Daaaamn!" She hollered and resumed to cutting up vegetables. I turned to the stove where I was boiling soup and bit my lip. I don't even know how to get started on how gorgeous Koreans can be.

"But really... 17 huh? I really envy you." Jennifer muttered. "If only I was just as pretty and talented and smart as you. You have it all... Not to mention the riches and stuff. Your bright future is already laid out for you." I sighed and looked at her.

"You should stop praising me." I said and pinched her nose hard. She squirmed and tried to slap my hand away but my grip was too tight for her to take off. "I am just a normal kid with lots of money. That I will not deny no longer, but that is it. I will still go through obstacles in life because I am still young... My future is bright for now but who knows what'll happen. So stop, stop." I looked at her straight in the eye. "See me as your bestfriend and not as the big shot model you happen to think of me right now. Understood?" She nodded and I let go of her nose. I smirked and went back to stirring my soup when I suddenly felt a cold gooey thing splat on my nape. I looked around to see Jennifer holding a handful of cherry tomatoes. She grinned devilishly and threw another one but I dodged it. But then, another tomato landed on my forehead when I was just about to launch at her.

"That's for my nose, Gomez!!" She laughed and ran away from me.

"You idiot! Don't go to the living room!!" I shouted. It'll be hard to clean tomato stains ugh! I grunted and chased her successfully dodging all the tomatoes that she was throwing.

In the end, we had delivered pizza instead of 'making food'. We watched 'My Neighbor Totoro' while we ate... And also we cleaned the tomato mess after. Jennifer slept already when we were done cleaning. She must be tired with all her energy used up in a day.

After I tucked Jennifer in bed, I went to the living room and switched on my laptop. Jiwoo must've messaged me by now.

But instead of a message from Jiwoo, I recieved an unexpected message from somebody else...

Craig: Hi :)
Sent 10:02pm

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