Girl Talk Just Got Real

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We drove to the mall in silence and honsetly I am waiting for Jennifer to say something about what just happened back there but thankfully she didn't. She was only humming this tune which I suddenly got hooked up. "What song is that?" I asked. Jennifer is a  very good singer, aside from molesting me she's also surprisingly good at singing.

"Mighty Long Fall." She said and started singing some english words then japanese. It's One Ok Rock! It's my favorite J-rock band and also became hers. "I don't really know the lyrics but I'll look it up on the internet so that I don't sing made up japanese words." She whined and I laughed.

"Okay. Hey, Jen. Why do you think I keep on running into Craig?" I asked finally letting her have the right to talk about it. She laughed and looked at me but before she began talking I glared at her and said "Just don't say anything stupid that would make me run this car inside the mall like a madman."

"Ha! Hmm, if that's the case...I'd rather not say anything because I think the whole thing is very stupid." She said and nodded to herself as if she just said something very smart.

"Just say it." I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay here's the thing: You and Craig. Big history. And he dumped you after what? 2 years by simply saying he doesn't feel the same way anymore. Kat, every shit went crazy after that and you know it." She said and cleared her throat.

"That doesn't anwer my question, genius." I told just when she shushed me. "I'm not yet done okay?"

"As I was saying, you guys ended up pretty badly and maybe you and Craig were never really meant to break up. Maybe all you needed was a break from each other and it just so happened that you keep on running into him is maybe because there's still business." She said.

"So you're implying that we deserve another chance?"

"Hell no. But now that you said's a part of the options. It's three actually...first, you need to get back at him or two, get back with him or maybe just be friends with him." She explained and have me a smile. I don't get it but I guess she has some point about 'unfinished business'. It's either revenge, love or plain friendship. I mean there has to be a reason and I'? Pretty sure it's not just coincidence.

"We're almost there." I told Jennifer. "Anyway, have I told you that I won't stay here in the Philippines permanently?"

"WHAT??!" She growled.

"I'll take that as a no." I told myself and turned to her. "I already got my career going in the Korea and I'm just here for a 6 month vacation. I can't just leave it behind and besides it's doing well for everyone."

"Well, not for me." She snapped. "Tsk. I know that I have to be understanding and I have to accept that you already have your whole life planned out. But it's unfair too."

I sighed and stopped the car because of the red light. "It's hard for me too. If only I could take you with me...I COULD TAKE YOU WITH ME!!" I shouted out loud.

"Are you crazy? Mom won't let me." She said and groaned.

"Then, finish college first. I mean you only have 3 more years to go and you're free." I told her.

"I would really love that but let's just hope that mom would agree to what we are planning now." Jennifer retorted. It's just that Jennifer is the youngest sibling in her family and her mom who is a single mother, is really overprotective. For God's sake she's really strict and I'm a little intimidated by her attitude but I keep up with it since she's the mom of my bestfriend.

As I parked my car in the parking lot, Jennifer bombardedvme with the things that she wanted to do. Let's buy this, let's buy that. "My credit card is in your hands, have fun." I finally told her.

"I won't max it out, I promise. Let's go!" She squealed. Even if she buys a whole store, she can't ever max my card out. So we shopped like how frantic teenagers do. Running, ramaging through the racks of clothes and asking for sizes that fits well. Forever 21, Penshoppe, Bench, For You...shit stores. I am a model but I'm not that addicted with fashion and stuff. I like clothes, shoes, accessories whatever but not like this...thing...that's dragging me around the mall.

"Would that look nice on me?" Jennifer asked me and pointed to a pastel colored dress that's been displayed by the window. I tilted my head to the side and said "Yeah."

"Then I'm buying it." She said with a gleeful laugh. Go on. Shop your heart out.

But what's just bugging Craig. Yeah, whatever. I still love him so much but I don't want to anymore. It'll make me stupid don't wan't to go back with him...well, yeah maybe I do but NO way...God, this is giving me a headache.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I told Jen and she nodded. "Be quick!" She hollered as I stepped out of the store.

I ran not knowing where to go. Not the bathroom of course, it was just an excuse to be alone. I mean the mall is full of people and I'm not technically by myself but I'm on my own.

Craig...the shit you do to me.


Okay, so apparently, I'm not gonna follow my publishing schedule which is MTF. Instead, I will be posting at random days and time. But I won't take too long to publish so don't worry.

Thankies ❤️

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