CHAPTER:3 Enchantment

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I woke up startled because of my alarm sound..It is my first day in my dream university ,my hard work,prayers everything paid off.Quitting with the blabbering I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that I dressed up in a black tank top with beige high waist pant and I styled my hair in a high ponytail with a Matching moonstone bracelet and a brown scrunchy to match my outfit.I took and organized my laptop,planner,note and pencil case into my white bag which contradicted with the outfit. I stood in front of the mirror to take a quick glance at me, blow myself a kiss and came out of my room.I went into Riley's room as expected she is sleeping.So I wrote her a note.

"I am getting late.I will see you in the evening.LOVE YOU, bye ."The note read..

I took a cab. While traveling, my thoughts wandered off to the man who caught my attention even before meeting him. Today is the fresher party. The man who captivated me by his eyes and physique, the charmer Mason, will be there .I could meet him.The thought of meeting him made me blush internally..I came back to reality by the blowing horn of the car.After many battles with my thoughts and traffic, I finally reached the university.

I started wandering in my campus,when a group of cars passed me ,making me lose my balance.When I got steady and looked at the direction the cars came to a halt.A 5'8 feet tall man with a mesmerizing figure came out of the sleek and stylish black BMW.His deep grey eyes met my hazel green eyes in that moment my heart skipped a beat..His desire filled gaze fell on my body scanning from my head to toe.It was not a longing desire but a desire of satisfaction.I was confused I couldn't identify it.Before my legs could betray me and make me me a statue, I ran out of that place towards the campus.From the corner of my eyes I could see him chuckle..

I went inside the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror fixing myself.I was pulled out of my thoughts about the man by the "I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE " ringtone from my phone.It s Riley I smiled to myself and answered the call she gave me a whimper saying that she wished she could tag along but it was her first day at her new university as well.We hung up the phone as it was getting late for both of us..

"This man is going to make me devastated" I murmured to myself and came out of the bathroom.I hit my head on something bulky but too soft for a wall,I looked up to see directly into my world,IT WAS MASON.I crumbled into Mason's chest......

OMG!!! Did i just say he is my world? What did he do to me??I was totally whipped for him and enchanted by him....




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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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