The trap

440 12 14

Thanks sunnzyo for help!!


Turning off the engine, Solar slammed the car door, opening the trunk and taking out the trap. They stopped on the outskirts of the city, where the houses ended and the forest began. Ruin's task was to lead Bloodmoon into the forest, and when they got to the right place, activate the trap. Basically, he just needed to stay alive while it completed its task.

"Help me," Solar called to Ruin, who was hovering in place beside him, not knowing how to help.

"Yes? What exactly do I need to do?"

"Find big leaves and branches. We need to disguise our trap so that it looks natural with the surrounding forest."

"Okay!" Ruin put his palm to his forehead, saluted, and then began to search for the necessary materials in the nearest area. He had accumulated enough, all his hands were filled with branches and leaves, and a couple of it even got stuck in the fluff of his hat.

Turning around at the sounds behind him, Solar couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at Ruin, who came up to him with a lot of sticks and leaves.

"Good job," he said, starting to set up a trap and cover it with leaves and branches. Ruin watched the process closely, trying once again not to "breathe" so as not to spoil anything.

When he was done with his preparations, Solar turned to Ruin, then walked up to him, removing a stuck twig and several leaves from his hat.

"Here it is. You're clean now," he smiled, pushing it aside.

"Oh, yes, thank you!" The fusion nodded. Suddenly, they heard a rumble coming from the direction of the city. The animatronics looked there at the same time.

"Hurry up. We can't miss Bloodmoon." Solar said.

"Come on."


Laughing maniacally, Bloodmoon walked along the road, constantly looking around for another victim. There was an almost continuous trail of blood behind his feet, which dripped from his fingers and cloak.

"Brother, where do you think everyone has gone?" one of them laughed with a growl, snapping his teeth.

"They're probably hiding because they're so afraid of us," the second one guffawed. Both Bloodmoons laughed at the same time, and their laughter echoed through the empty streets of the city. People were so scared by the sudden appearance of a brutal murder that they hid in basements, locked themselves in their house or somewhere else.

However, the people who were on the street were much less lucky.

There was a rustling sound behind Bloodmoon. The twins instantly turned around, and froze in surprise for a moment. Ruin stood in front of them. Oh, they would definitely recognize this guy, even if he had a new body, but those rays and the hat gave away his true identity.

"You." they growled, pointing at him. Ruin spread his arms wide, smiling. He was scared as hell, but acting allowed him to hide it.

"Oh, my dear brothers, how nice to see you!" he chuckled. "You were probably looking for me?"

"No. But now yes," Bloodmoon grinned, "We're not your brothers anymore. We want to catch you..."

"Tear apart!"

"Torment you."

"Make you suffer!"

Bloodmoon laughed again, snapping his sharp teeth. His viral personality was crazy to think that creating such a dangerous body for a bloody murder would be a good idea. Ruin is surprised that Bloodmoon didn't kill him... another him in the first second, as soon as it was turned on.

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