Chapter 6: The Prophecy

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           I started trembling again, my body started burning. My eyes were still wide open, "You go home, Let's meet tomorrow...", I said an ran to the abandoned building.

          I sat over there and cried until I was out of tears. I looked upto the sky with a heavy mind filled wity thoughts. I started hitting my head to the wall backward. I hated this feeling. I wanted to be swallowed by the ground. Just then my nose started bleeding, my ears were blocked, my head started spinning and I fainted.

          The next thing I woke up to see was this painting on the ceiling and I knew which weirdo would have that and where I was at.

           "Oh! You woke up?", said Edward, my cousin.

            "Yeah.....", I said while wakinng up, "What happened and what am I doing over here?".

           "You were lying unconscious in front of my clinic, you fainted.... they say......"

          "Who was it?", I said by narrowing my eyes.

          "No idea.... It was written on this slip.......", He said and gave me  a piece of paper and I took it.

          When I opened it, I saw my mother's handwriting and this was strange.

          "By the way, Is there anything wrong going on? You were buring and cryig for help ten minutes ago...."

           "Oh... I don't know how to put it but I've been having these nightmares, It's not like I've had alot of them, I only had two but they were traumatizing me to death."

          "Doctor, can you-"

          "Leave! Later!", He screamed to the nurse as his expression sharpened.

          "You are the strongest girl I know Harmony.. It's not like you're all weak and vulnerable. You just don't wanna hurt even bad people with the strength of yours.... and.... Can you give me more details about your nightmares?"

          "It was a reckless woman killing people in caged rooms, her evil laugh was similar to someone I know but I forgot who it was. I felt like I knew her but then I forgot eho it was when I woke up. I got a dream of a person hanged in a caged room the previous night and today when I was hanging out with my friend the same person who died in my dreams happeded to be found in the violet lake as a cropse. I don't know who that woman is or what her aim is but all I can say is that she is a monster....."

         "Does that woman know about all of this?"

         "No and I left the house.."

          "Why so? Did she do something crazy again?"

          "She hit me with a wine bottle... But thanks to this unusual healing disorder that I can heal overnight..."

          He clenched his jaw and hugged me tightly."Where are you living right now?"

          "At a hotel near the school and get off me you know that I'm a non-hugger!"

          "You know what? You don't have to stay in a hotel.... Why don't you just come live with me? We can't trust anyone right now... It'll be safer and I wouldn't have to worry much too.", He said by holding my hands.

          "It's ok, Ed, because the hotel belongs to my friend's sister and he keeps check on me all the time."

         His jaw clenched again and his grip on my hand tightened, "Stop being too naive, Harmony...", I nooded my head but I didn't understand what he meant though.....

          After that he suddenly pushed me back , rand to his desk and started typing something on his computer. 

         I don't know what he saw but he gasped and his eyes were wide-open.

          "This can't be... In my 26 years of  existance I have never seen something like this..."

          "What are you talking about?", I went to his desk ad saw something crazy...

          "When am I ever ganna live a normal life?", Yesterday a woman's cropse was found in the violet lake and it was the exact woman who was murdered in my previous nightmare.

          "Tell me that this isn't true.... TELL ME THAT THIS ISN'T TRUE!!", I started screaming at Ed by grabbing his collar and I fell unconscious again...

          *Zeph's POV*

          (As soon as Harmony started trembling and ran away, Zeph didn't go back home and started following her anyways despite her requesting him to go back home)

          I don't understand this... What was going on with her??.... In between all of these questions I wanted to run to her and comfort her but maybe she wants to be alone....

         I didn't know where she was heading to but I blindly followed her.

         She stopped at an isolated building. It looked like a laboratory....

          She climbed to the rooftop and I followed her, only to see her crying miserably.

         My hands were itching to go and pull her into the deepest hug but I couldn't, I don't have the right to do that... I cried as much as she did at that moment.

          As I turned my glance, I saw someone in black clothes secretly looking at her, I don't know if they saw me but they were slowly approaching Harmony as she fainted, just how many times does she have to faint?

          The person looked like a woman in her late thirties, I couldn't see her face properly because she covered it with a black mask.

          She hugged Harmony and whispered something in her ears which I couldn't hear.

          She gently lifted her and took her to a clinic.

          As she left Harmony infront of the building and placed a slip in her pocket , her mask dropped down and I saw her face.....

          It was her mother??...... Olivia James but without wrinkles, dark circles and weird make-up?It was strange because everytime I met her she gave me bad vibes but now it didn't feel like it...

        I followed her the other lane which was serene.

        As I got closer, I asked, "Didn't I warn you to stay away from her?"

        She turned around and scanned me from up to down, "I'm sorry but who are you?"

The Lovely GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora