Chapter 4: Learning To Grow

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After being allowed to stay at the X-mansion home of the x-men I began trying to learn more about myself since I know learned I have four more mutations still to come but for now I was practicing with my fire mutation.

"Ok lets see how hot I can go" I tell myself as I unleash a wave of fire which fills the room as Storm watched me from the control centre. "Most impressive his flames burn far higher than even lava but it also seems to be taking a toll on his body" Storm tells herself as I stop before hearing Jean's voice in my head which made me fall to my knees as I soon feel another near her unsure why I rushed out the danger room to go find her. I ran through the X-mansion searching for her until I find her in her and Cyclop's room folding clothes of course she was surprised when I burst through the door but I soon scan my eyes all around the room but saw nothing not a single other persons other than me and Jean.

"F/n is everything ok?" Jean asked as I apologize for bursting in the way I did but my other mutation flared up as I felt another person was here but it seems I had been mistaken however this surprised her as she wakes over to the door and shuts it after taking a quick look around. "F/n tell me how much do you know?" Jean asked as I tell I don't really understand until she explains and I was shocked to learn she is pregnant only she hadn't told Cyclops yet.

"I'm so sorry Jean I had no idea it's just when I felt your mind and suddenly another person I thought you were in danger" I say as she sat next to me and placed her hand gently on my shoulder making me look at her as she gave me a warm smile. "F/n you have nothing to be sorry about if anything I'm glad to know you came rushing to my aid thank you" Jean told me as I feel a sense of joy knowing everything was ok before leaving the room so she could finish what she was doing but as I was walking I began think how lucky I was to be here before thinking of another. *Ruby I hope your safe* I thought before bumping into someone only to see was Jubilee in her classic look.

"Oh sorry Jubilee I was a little lost in thought" I say with a smile as she asked if I wanted to have hang out at the arcade with her which actually seems fun so we start heading to the mall where the arcade is to play a few games. *I haven't been to an arcade for years still it's nice to see some of us being happy* I thought Jubilee found the first game to play and was doing great as I expected since she looks like the kind of girl who would be able to beat pro-gamers if she tries.

After a little while we decide to make a challenge on the last game which was a dance stage which told me this was going to be rough for her since I rule at this game as we get up and prepare to dance. "Don't feel too bad when you lose also remember loser does what the winner says" I tell her as she smiles before lowering her shades. "Oh trust me big boy you'll be the one losing today enjoy serving me" Jubilee says as we wait for the time to let us begin which wasn't too long as we both start at a furious pace.

(Must watch also replace Damian/Robin with Jubilee and Beastboy with you).

After I the crushing defeat we leave but even though I lost we both enjoyed however I'm a man of my word so I tell her to name her command. "Ok since you have to do whatever I say then I have only one command and that is for you to be my friend" Jubilee said as I look at her and smile before accepting her command but we already were friends as we spent a little more together we even have ice cream before an explosion happens out of nowhere causing fires to erupt.

"Jubilee call the others I'll deal with the flames" I tell her as she nods before I jump over the railing and land on the ground floor as people ran past me scared of the raging flames but during the chaos I saw a child trapped by the flames so I start walking to towards them. "MOMMY" the kid screams as it cries for it's mom before I step out of the flames and kneel down in front of the kid and smile. "You'll be ok trust me" I tell the kid as it tries to stop crying before I stand up and look at the people on the otherside of the flames.

"Ok lets do this" I say as I begin to focus all my might on absorbing the fire around me but even then it was difficult before the flames and all their heat begins to enter my body but this wasn't without risk as my skin begins to glow a bright red but even then I keep going. "F/N STOP YOUR OVERHEATING" Jubilee screams but I look at her fighting back the pain I was in before giving her as wink along with a smile.

"I WILL NOT BE TAKEN DOWN" I shout as I begin absorbing the flames quicker as every last ember became a piece of me leaving me with a glowing red body as the kid looks at me before I point to the crowd telling the kid to go to it's mother. After everything was taken care of I start walking out the mall with Jubilee who looked at me a little concerned since my glowing red colour hadn't faded but I soon tell no need to worry but in truth my body was on fire but I wasn't about to make her worry since I was the one who took the risk.

To Another Location

"So tell me what bring a fine woman such as yourself to my bar?" a bartender asked as the woman drank her beer before smiling at him. "I'm looking for a certain someone and I plan to see him very soon" she said before leaving which made the bartender confused but he knew it wasn't any of his business. *Very soon father you and I will meet again lets see just which one of us is strong now* the woman thought to herself as she make her way towards the X-mansion which both you and Jubilee were heading to.

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