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I sat down to read my latest novel, Diary of Neylan Hatun, a woman who served my great-great grandfather Sultan Selim. She wrote in the diary during her time at Topkapi. After she was exiled to a province, she compiled everything into one amazing book, and my mother of course got her hands on a copy. It was after all, a palace classic. 


Chapter 1

"Neylan Hatun, get your butt over here!" Gazanfer-agha had called to me from the other side of the harem. I groaned as I made my way over to the chief Harem eunuch.

Hello, greetings, Merhaba, ben Neylan Hatun. Since about 3 months ago, when I was kidnapped from my home of Greece and brought to the Ottoman Empire, I have been serving in the harem. Sultan Selim II had ascended the throne nearly a year ago upon Sultan Süleyman's [may he rest in peace] death. I still haven't been noticed by him, and since his wife Nurbanu had her hands on the necks of every girl who came near him, I planned to finally take a shot. Someone must take down the snake, right? InshAllah it will be I.

Sultan Selim already had a teenage son, Murad, who also had a favorite (Safiye Hatun), but they are not much of a hope for the survival of the dynasty, if you know what I mean. I understood that the previous Sultan had a main consort who pretty much owned his heart, but Hürrem Sultana was one of a kind. And Mahidevran Hatun, as I believed she was called, still exercised some influence. Sultan Selim even promised to restore her wealth- outrageous, really!

I kept scribbling notes as I walked over to Gazanfer. In one swift motion he grabbed my diary and waved it around above us, infuriating me.

"Eh agha, give it back!" I started jumping in the air like crazy, trying to get it. We kept keeping this up for a minute, until the doormen called out,

"Desturrrrrr!!!!! Chief Consort/Haseki Nurbanu Sultan Hazretdleri!"

All the ladies of the Harem, and even Gazanfer-agha lined up in the halls on both sides to bow to Nurbanu. I got my diary back and began taking more notes.

She [Nurbanu] walked by us like the breeze, acting cool and above us all. I couldn't say I didn't envy her. She was rather beautiful, but nothing exceptional. The only thing that secured her high position was her wits and the relationship she maintained with the deceased Hürrem Sultana.

The story went that Nurbanu, who was of a wealthy Venetian family, got captured and enslaved in the Ottoman Harem. When they arrived, Hürrem happened to pass by and Nurbanu fell on her knees in front of her and begged to be sent home. However, the Elder Sultana took a liking to her (seeing something of herself in Nurbanu) and decided to send her to one of the Princes. Selim was the one she got, and Nurbanu quickly took control over him and forced her own set of rules on the drunkin', including the biggest one: no women besides her, ever. Hürrem obviously didn't care, and neither did her daughter Valide Mihrimah Sultana, Selim II's sister, who took over as the Queen Mother upon the Sultan's ascent to the throne.

"Neylan Hatun!" Hatice Kalfa yelled. I snapped up, and quickly penguin ran to her. A few other Harem girls were standing with me too. "Mihrimah Sultana wants to see you girls. Impress her."

"Valide? Us? wHat did we do?" A girl murmured under her breath.

"Hush hatun, mind your language. This is Valide Sultan we are talking about," I reminded the girl, who shot me a dirty look and rolled her eyes. I in turn, raised my chin and proceeded to follow Hatice Kalfa. Be the bigger person here, I thought to myself, smirking.


I sighed contently as I read over the last word of the first chapter. Neylan Hatun was a extremely talented authoress, and she seemed to pay attention to a lot of details and history, as a keen observer. Time for...


Chapter 2

The halls of the Topkapi Palace were adorned with intricate patterns, shimmering with the reflections of the flickering torches. The walls were clad in something that looked as though it was marble. I made an internal picture in my head so I could remember when I wrote this diary entry. As we walked towards the quarters of Valide Mihrimah Sultana, the tension among us was palpable. Mihrimah Sultana was not known for her patience or leniency. She commanded respect and expected nothing less from those who entered her presence. 

Hatice Kalfa led us through the labyrinthine corridors until we reached a set of ornate double doors guarded by imposing eunuchs. With a nod from Hatice Kalfa, the doors swung open, revealing a lavishly decorated chamber bathed in warm candlelight.

Mihrimah Sultana sat regally on a cushioned divan, her gaze sharp as falcon's eyes. She was clad in rich silks, her demeanor exuding authority and grace. Behind her stood her attendants, silent as shadows. I was in awe when I saw her.

"Neylan Hatun and companions, approach," Mihrimah Sultana's voice rang out, commanding obedience.

We stepped forward, our movements measured and respectful. I could feel the weight of Mihrimah Sultana's scrutiny as she assessed each of us in turn.

"You are summoned here for a purpose," she began, her voice measured yet commanding. "I have heard whispers of discontent within the harem. Such discord is unacceptable. The harmony of the palace must be maintained at all costs."

I exchanged a nervous glance with the other girls, realizing the gravity of the situation. Mihrimah Sultana's influence was vast, and to incur her displeasure could have dire consequences. But the discord she mentioned was likely from that witch Nurbanu, who seemed to think she could be monogamous with the Sultan and get away with it.

"However," Mihrimah Sultana continued, her tone softening slightly, "I believe in giving opportunities for redemption. Show me that you are loyal, obedient subjects of the Sultan, and you shall be rewarded."

Pick me vibes much? But I honestly didn't mind.

With a subtle gesture, Mihrimah Sultana indicated a table laden with trays of delicacies and refreshments. It was a test, disguised as a simple offering of hospitality.

"Partake, and prove your devotion to the Sultan and his household," she declared poetically. I cackled internally at her romantic tone. People around here were a bit strange.

We girls exchanged wary glances, understanding the implicit challenge. This was more than just a meal; it was a test of loyalty and obedience. With measured steps, I approached the table, selecting a plate of sweets and delicately sampling a morsel.

As I chewed, I felt the weight of Mihrimah Sultana's gaze upon me, scrutinizing my every move. With practiced composure, I maintained eye contact, determined to prove myself worthy of her favor.

The moments stretched into eternity as we ate in silence, the tension thick in the air. Finally, with a subtle nod from Mihrimah Sultana, we were dismissed, leaving the chamber with a sense of relief mingled with trepidation.

As we made our way back to the harem quarters, I was pretty excited. I had met the legendary beauty Mihrimah Sultan, and she chose me to be next for her son. I suppose she was getting sick of Nurbanu's drama.

And so, with newfound resolve, I embarked on the next chapter of my journey, eager to see where fate would lead me in the hallowed halls of the Topkapi Palace.


I knew that just like this Neylan, I would have to embark on a quest, to see where fate would lead me. Except my enemy is Neylan.

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