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"Sultana, are you up yet?" I heard Nafise Hatun ask quietly, as I arose from the bed.

"Sultana, are you up yet?" I heard Nafise Hatun ask quietly, as I arose from the bed

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"I am now, Nafise. Thank you. What is the matter?" I chuckled. Nafise quickly rushed over to me with a letter in hand, with the royal seal stamped on it. I looked at her, and she looked at me, so I took the letter and opened it.

In Arabic, it was written from my father, Sultan Ahmed Han who was on a campaign in Persia. I rejoiced as I began to read the letter.

My dearest sapling,

How are you? I am doing well if you ask. Pass along my kind regards to my beloved Ayşe, and your brother Sehzade Mahmud in Manisa. We have come very far in Persia, and with the help of Mustafa Pasha, we have progressed fine.

Your valide Ayşe Sultana told me in her last letter she was looking for a suitable husband for you. Her eyes are set on my aid Mustafa Pasha, and I must say that if you agree it would be a good match for you. He is a very dependable man, and I'm sure you will be happy together.

My sultana of the sun and sky, best wishes from your father

Sultan Ahmed his highness.

"Argh!" I groaned as I threw the letter on the floor and laid back in frustration.

"Sultana, I trust all is well?"

"No Nafise, my mother is clearly trying to get rid of me, or something like that. She wants me to marry that ugly old Pasha, Mustafa. What did I ever do?"

"Well," Nafise said delicately, "He's not that old, and not really that ugly either."

"Then you can marry him." I concluded, raising my chin.

"I am a Sultana, daughter of Sultan Ahmed the first. I get my choice of husband!"

"Suit yourself." Nafise shrugged, and bowed as she left the room. I giggled as I smiled at our childish jokes.

I like Nafise Hatun. She is very chill, funny, and knew how to lighten the moment when there was tension. I would choose her for a sister, if I didn't already have one...

Gülbahar Sultan. She wasn't really bad or anything, but she always seemed to get everything that was mine, especially since she is a year younger than me. Her mother, one of my father's concubines, died young so my mother cared for her and seemed to regard her like a daughter of her own.

I called one of the door women over to bring me some clothes, and I cheerfully [or so I thought] selected a light pink dress and my favorite jeweled slippers, as I slipped into them and left my rooms, headed for my mother's rooms. 


As I burst into the chambers, my mother Haseki Ayşe Hatje Sultan, was situated on a couch in what used to be the rooms of Valide Sultan, but were bestowed to her upon my grandmothers death. She was drinking coffee, but set down her cup on a tray when I came in.

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