We had worked so hard to get to this point and I was excited to get back to normal life.

The drive to the house was filled with silent excitement. There was an energy surrounding us that was contagious.

It felt like the start of a new chapter.

"Wooooahhhhhhh." Juniper hummed as Colby pulled into the driveway. "You like it?" Colby asked and parked the car.

"It's huge." Jenna said as Colby chuckled. "Don't." I warned and looked over at him. "I wasn't gonna say anything." He said as we all got out of the car.

"Do we get to pick our rooms?" Sam asked as Colby sighed. "Yes, except for Jenna." He said as Jenna huffed out a breath.

"That's messed up." She said as I shook my head. "Trust me, Jen. When you go upstairs go down the hall and go to the second door on the left." I explained.

"Alright. I trust you." Jenna said as I pulled Maisie out of her car seat. "Colby, will you help me pick out a room?" Juniper asked as we made our way towards the house.

"Yeah, kid. I think I know which one you'll pick." He said and took her hand.

When we went inside the kids all looked around with wonder in their eyes.

Colby had gotten the house together by buying furniture but the house was still bare since I knew he didn't know the first thing about decorating.

"Go ahead, guys." I said and gestured for the stairs. I watched with happiness in my heart as they ran up the stairs with Colby following behind.

"Let's go to your room." I said and looked down at Maisie as she lazily blinked at me. "I know you're sleepy." I hummed then made my way to the nursery.

It melted my heart that Colby got the nursery all ready to go, completing the decor with some teddy bears and blankets.

I knew that Colby loved Maisie and that she was how entire world but it still melted my heart nonetheless.

I smiled and sat in the rocking chair, holding Maisie on my chest as I gently rocked in the chair.

"That's my girl." I hummed as she nuzzled into me, blinking slowly. There were very few moments where I felt totally at peace these days but moments like this I felt the most at peace.

After only a couple minutes, Maisie was fast asleep in my arms. I could feel myself absolutely melting as she took a handful of my hair in her hand.

"The kids love it." Colby said quietly as he walked into the room. "This little one does, too." I said and looked up at him.

"Is the security system on?" I asked as he nodded. "Mhm." He said and leaned against the doorframe watching us.

"I love you, Jules." Colby hummed causing me to smile. "I love you, too." I said then kissed Maisie's head before standing up with her.

"We should probably order something for dinner." Colby said as we made our way out to the hallway.

"I think I want to cook something." I said as we walked into the master bedroom.

On the bed there was a large bouquet of flowers leaning against the pillows.

"What's that for?" I asked as tears filled my eyes. "What? I can't get my wife some flowers as a present?" Colby asked as my heart melted.

"Wife." I said quietly. "Yes, wife." Colby said then wrapped his arms around me. "We gotta get the bassinet in here." I said and leaned my head against Colby's chest.

"It's in the closet, just gotta get it in here." Colby said then kissed my head before pulling away.

"I'm hoping she's knocked out for a little while so I can get some stuff done around here." I explained as he went to get the bassinet from the closet.

"If she doesn't, I'll take care of her. We're a team." Colby said as I nodded. "I know. You gotta go to the store for me though." I said causing him to laugh.

"Oh yeah?" He asked and cocked his head to the side as I went over to lay Maisie in the bassinet. "Yeah. I haven't cooked in forever." I said and turned to him.

"What do you want to make?" He asked and came over to me once again. "I don't know. That's the problem." I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's gotta be good since it's the first night in our house." I said and laid my head on his chest. "Our first house as a married couple." He hummed.

"The house our daughter will grow up in." I said and looked up at Colby. My heart fluttered with joy as I looked into his eyes.

In this moment nothing truly mattered. The fear that was surrounding me didn't matter right now.

All I cared about was that we were moving towards a more normal life.

We were finally heading in the right direction.

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