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The world felt different it felt like I couldn't bare the feeling as I started crying and falling slowly to the ground Gally kept ahold of me as he tried calming me down in his arms.

I silently cried. Why was I crying? For Ben? For someone that hurt me? I don't know. I guess it's because I realized we're never leaving and this is only the beginning of something tragic happening.

Life moves on. You move on. But sometimes your feelings and emotions in that moment don't.

I don't know when it was I fell asleep but I woke up pretty late in my hammock. I guess Gally put me there when I fell asleep.

I noticed a light by a wall and a few boys probably Gally crossing Ben's name out.
"Do you think he might make it?" Thomas asked besides me. I wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Ben?" Chuck answered for me.

"No. No one survives a night in the maze." I whispered.

"You just got to forget about it." Chuck said laying on his side.

I noticed Thomas staring at me like he knew something still but didn't want to say.

I still wondered why he had kissed me. I was going to ask but Gally came over.

"Doing okay?" Gally asks. I nodded he kissed my forehead making me close my eyes wishing he didn't leave me.

I looked over seeing Alby by himself at a fireplace.

"Can we talk?" I asked Gally he nodded taking my hand as we walked away from Thomas.

"I know things haven't been right with us.. I know we've been arguing and I know for a fact that. I hope we still have feelings for each other?" I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Well I don't really know if you do but I know I-" I was cut off by Gally kissing me which I kissed him back.

"I've been wanting to tell you." Gally said looking at me. "It's been hard. I'm-" he looked like he couldn't say what he was trying to say.

"Gally-." "No im sorry I've been a dick. It's just seeing you with Thomas and Newt and being clingy with them I guess upsets me makes
Me think you like them." Gally said looking away from me.

I turned his face to look at me "Gally. I've loved you from the start." Is all I had to say.

He pulls me in a hug which felt comforting like I belonged.

Gally looks at me before kissing me again.

The kiss was passionate like I never wanted it to end.
He pushed me against a wall kissing me more like he didn't want to stop.
It definitely made my life a little better after what happened.


Thomas POV

I can't believe she went after him. After I kissed her I thought maybe kissing her would make her realize we were meant to be.

All those dreams... memories of only her...

It had to have been real. We've had to have been together before the maze right?....

I couldn't sleep that night thinking of what Gally was probably doing with McKenna.

What were they even going to do?

I wondered what was going on between them are they still on speaking terms?

I finally fell asleep do to tiredness and lack of sleep as well as being annoyed with these questions.

"Thomas" I kissed her gently "McKenna... we have to go."

"everything's going to change." McKenna said to me .

I was watching her drowning as she screamed for me and a few others.

"Wicked is good"

I seen her on a table with her covered up I was surrounded by Drs. As I tried not to cry seeing her next to me and I couldn't do anything about it . "McKenna..." I whispered.

I was right next to her on the table "this is going to hurt a little" the Dr said. I held her hand gently.

"Thomas you have to choose."

I gasped awake seeing McKenna, Alby, Minho , Gally and Newt.


McKenna POV

"Bring her back got it!" Newt orders.
Minho nods to him "Promise." Minho replies.

I looked in the far distance seeing Thomas awake.

I pecked Gally cheek before leaving with Minho and Alby.

They didn't even tell me what was going on or why Alby was here.

I just hope for whatever reason he's here it's nothing dangerous.

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