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McKennas POV

I woke up trying to sit up realizing I wasn't in the maze anymore. But my foot hurt really bad .

"Hey don't move you won't be able to walk for a week." He said his name was Clint I remembered him from before.

"W-what? But I want to run!" Newt came in shaking his head "I don't think that's possible..." he said sadly looking down.

"Newt. Come on it's just a sprain!"
"No you're like Newt it's not best to run on your foot anymore." Clint said.

Newt couldn't even look me in my eyes as I stared at him. Tears were about to come out but I couldn't do that in front of him. It wasn't his fault.

"Where's Gally?" I asked realizing he's not there Newt looked at me confused "In the pits.." is all he said before leaving. He looked angry that I mentioned Gally.

I sat back in my chair sighing. I screwed things up big time.

It was a week later I haven't really talked to anyone Newt was kinda avoiding me a bit and Gally was a bit different but we still talked occasionally.

Im still finding the job I can do. Right now Gally is thinking of having me be a builder he likes the skills I have as well as the random ideas that burst through my mind.

I was laughing with him as I seen Newt had looked over at us from the gardens I wondered what happened or why he doesn't talk to me anymore.

I looked at Gally thinking about how Newt was mad I mentioned Gally , "Gally what exactly happened when I was blacked out ?" I asked.

Gally looked at me his mood changing completely . "Nothing." He said as he continued working.

I glared at him before walking over to Newt more so limping. "Hey! Newt !" I shouted Zart left awkwardly as if Newt was in trouble
And not wanting to be in between.

"Newt!" Newt walked away avoiding me at all costs.

"Newt! I can't really run!" I shouted he was jogging a little as best as he could I finally caught up to him grabbing him "Newt! Why have you been avoiding me ?! What did I do?!" I crossed my arms he tried leaving but I stopped him "did I say something blacked out? What happened?"

"It's my fault you're this way! Okay?" Newt shouts angrily I never seen him angry.

"Wh-? What ? Who told you that!" I said crossing my arms.

"Why don't you ask the boyfriend of yours" he grimaced while glaring at me.

I stared at him in shock "boyfriend ?" I looked over at Gally who was walking over.

"Is there a problem?" Gally glared at Newt.

Newt stared at him glaring back "there is actually" "yeah what seems to be the problem then ?" Gally paused before finishing. "Newt."
(Kinda reminds me of the Ron and Harry fight in Deathly hallows)

"The problem is you think you can blame others for what's not their fault! And can't keep your hands off of McKenna! She's not yours!" This took everyone back even Gally but he only smirked at the response.

"Since when was McKenna mine? We're just best friends" he rolled his eyes.

I looked between the two completely confused.

"Whatever Gally." Newt walked away. I tried going after him but Gally stopped me.

"We still have work to do." Gally said I stared at him for a minute and sighed before going back to the builders spot.

The Maze Triangle x OC Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant