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     Graduating was expected for the teen, he had perfect grades all his life starting at the age of six

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     Graduating was expected for the teen, he had perfect grades all his life starting at the age of six. He's also had never been absent from school, which gave him perfect attendance labeled on his record, so there was no present excitement about it or when it came around. As everyone else cried and cheered, some even astonished to received the certificate, he simply bowed accordingly, accepting his reward.

His only thought was how well he was going to excel in a higher education, a university. He had already planned on studying international and had his future laid out. He's had his whole future aligned ever since he could walk. Was it by choice? No, but he can't complain.

Most kids don't have a clue as to what their future holds and he knows said student.

His best friend: Jeon Jungkook. He was the one teary eyed when receiving his certificate for passing the year. All he had to do now was plan for college, if he was even going to attend one. That's still on the fence.

They've been friends ever since they were in diapers. He was only a couple months old when a husband and wife moved across the street from them with a newborn. Ever since the two were introduced to each other for a playdate, the boys have been inseparable. Bound by the hip.

By the looks of the two, style wise, people believe the boys are 'two peas in a pod'. Even though both of them are polar opposites.

Jungkook is an impetuous, charismatic person, while Jimin is a studious, more on the reserved side, sticking to himself kind of person. Of course, they have their similarities. Both love to party and get drunk and take risks together that others wouldn't dare to do. Although, Jimin will say Jungkook can be more of a daredevil than him. But he can have his moments as well.

The two were more like Yin and Yang. Their polarity complement each other. Jimin, as said before, is more studious, while Jungkook is more negligent. But Jimin makes sure he gets his work done and passes the year and Jungkook makes sure Jimin doesn't overwork himself, burning himself out.

"There's gonna be a party later tonight, we're going"

Jimin heard his friend announce from on top of the couch he was leaned against on the floor in his room as he played video games.

"Cool. Where at?"

"Some club a few miles down. Not too far from here", Jungkook said, tossing a handful of m&m's in his mouth.

Jimin nodded his head slowly at the idea of going out tonight. He does feel a bit tired and could use a nap right about now, but maybe going will distract him from his plans for a new school.

"A club? Last time I checked you're still eighteen", Jimin remarked, not taking his eyes off the flashing screen as he shot people left and right.

"I know a guy"

"Right", Jimin said tone laced in sass. "If you get arrested, I'm leaving you there to face the consequences"

"You wouldn't", Jungkook stated with confidence, knowing his best friend all too well to know he would get himself arrested too, just so he wouldn't be alone.

"Wanna bet?"

"Sure, because I know you love me too much", Jungkook teased, not knowing the hard truth in his words.

Jimin rolled his eyes, yet couldn't bring himself to disagree with the tall blonde. That statement holds so much truth that the other has no clue about, no one does except Jimin. He has kept his unrequited feelings a secret for quite some time now. He first realized his love for the taller when they were in year seven.

"Yeah, whatever. That's what I want you to think, so the betrayal can be bitter sweet", Jimin joked. "But what time are we leaving?", he asked, diverting the conversation.

"No clue. Whenever I feel like going"

Jimin scoffed, "When did you get in charge of our plans?"

"When I grew taller than you", Jungkook teased, knowing how much Jimin hates the short jokes.

"I'm older than you, you little shit!"

"Yeah, but until you can reach my physical level, we can then discuss your level authority"

"Fuck you"

"No thanks, I'm not into short women"

Jimin scowled at the double insult and went back to his game. It took all of his willpower not to choke out the boy above him. The thought of suffocating the other in his sleep seemed to calm his nerves down as he refocused his attention to his video game.

chapter one - published: 05 - 10 - 2024

SYNCLES - hope you enjoyed the first chapters. Chapters will be quite short, unless stated otherwise. Comment your opinion as you read on!

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