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An aesthetic introduction of jikook

Name - Jeon Jungkook
Age - Eighteen
School Status - Year Twelve

Name - Jeon Jungkook Age - Eighteen School Status - Year Twelve

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Name - Park Jimin
Age - Nineteen
School Status - Year Twelve

Name - Park Jimin Age - Nineteen School Status - Year Twelve

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Plot -

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Plot -

one high school graduation after party changes everything between the two friends when a single kiss was shared that led down a much more explicit path.

a single kiss,

and a single night in bed

will soon lead down to multiple mistakes and heartbreak.

Warning - there will be explicit content, along with themes that may be physically and emotionally triggering. I'll put a warning in the beginning of the chapters that contain mature content.

SYNCLES - Thank you for giving the story a chance!

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