A nervous dinner together!

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Kriti's POV-

"What's there to laugh about?",I asked,clearly annoyed.
"So-so you-enter..hahhahahahhaha entered the men's room...hahahahhahahahha..",Disha laughed,about to roll on the floor.

"You keep on laughing..I'm going",I rushed to the college gate,leaving her behind..

As I walked into the college campus , my mind was still reeling from the embarrassing cake mishap. I couldn't shake off the image of Rudra's chocolate-covered face and my own mortification. How could I have been so clumsy? 

Ussi time par zameen me gad jana chaiye tha!!!

I spotted Rudra from afar. A knot formed in my stomach at the thought of facing him after yesterday's blunder. But avoiding him wasn't an option, he would be there in the class too!Summoning every ounce of courage I had left, I approached him. "Rudra," I called out.He turned to me. "Hey," he greeted."I, um, I wanted to apologize again for yesterday," I blurted out, feeling the weight of embarrassment.

 "I really didn't mean for that to happen. It was all a silly mistake."

Rudra looked at me for a moment, his gaze softening ever so slightly. "It's fine, Kriti," he replied, surprising me with his calmness. "Accidents happen."Relief washed over me,. I had expected him to be more upset, to hold a grudge against me for the cake fiasco. But here he was, forgiving me without resentment."Thank you," I murmured, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "I appreciate your understanding."With that, we exchanged a small smile and I left, thankful to the stars,that the things sorted by themselves.


"Beta! Do one thing,call him for dinner today..This is the least you could do",maa advised.
"But maa! How can I call him alone?", I gasped.
"SUPER AWKWARD", Abheer intervened, earning a nod from me.
"Hey Prabhu ! The first time my elder sister agreed with me!", he looked upwards,his hands folded.
Papa,busy reading the newspaper,shushed him and continued,"Call all of your friends"
"Khana bana dena khud fir un sab ka",maa glared at him.
(Make food for all of them,by yourself)

"But I don't have many friends though..It would be Disha and Rudra only I guess."
"Okay fine! Invite them both for dinner today",maa had made up her mind.

"Oh hello?!!Where are you lost?",Disha snapped her fingers and I came out of my la-la land.
"Nothing! It's just that--umm--I wanted to invite you for dinner today",I smiled.
"Woah woah! Great...",her smile turned into a frown suddenly,"Is this a bribe or something?Why so suddenly out of nowhere?"
I chuckled at her antics and spoke up,"Nothing much..I was just thinking of inviting you since so many days...maa agreed so here we go"
"Cool! I'll be there",she made a Rajnikanth hand move and left the classroom.

"Yaar abhi to main kaam baaki hai..Us Rudra ko invite kaise karu???",I said to myself.

Packing my bag,I exited the class and my eyes landed on Rudra,his nose inside in his book.
Slapping my forehead,I walked upto him.

"Ahmm",I cleared my throat,gaining his attention.
He stared at me,likely expecting a good reason for me to disturb his peaceful study session.
"I umm--wanted to invite --you to dinner tonight at my house."


He raised his brows,staring deep into my soul.
"It's just because you are in my friend list and moreover you've been one of the people I interacted with,the most since the college started.",I definitely gave a lengthy explanation.

"But I might not be able to do so"
"Why not?"
"I-I just can't-can't leave my house at--at --ni-night."
What a fudgy excuse???
"But I insist..Please do come, I would be glad if you do so",I pleaded."We'll keep it early if you want"

"Um..7?",he said,earning a gasp from me.

"They'll be coming maa! Why are you so hyper?",I spoke,setting the crockery on the table,when the phone rang.

"Hello..were are you Disha?"
"Yaar my relative in some far off jungles has fallen sick"
"Mind you language Disha",I could hear her mother yelling.
"Arghh!!..maa and papa want to go there nd take me there too!I'll not be able to come today..I'm so sorry!"
"What can I say..it's a matter of urgency..No worries",I hung up.

"Maa! Papa ! Disha is not coming",I announced.
"What?Why?",maa was in her usual anxious self.
"Her relative has fallen sick so her family wanted her to go visit "

"Oh God! What about this food?I've worked so hard on this"
"Arre! The other guy is coming naa! Nothing's gonna happen to the food",papa huffed.


As the clock struck 7, signaling the time for dinner, I anxiously awaited Rudra's arrival. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of hosting him at my house for the first time. .Just then, the doorbell rang, and I hurried to answer it. Opening the door, I found Rudra standing there, a hesitant smile playing on his lips. He shuffled nervously, his hands tucked awkwardly into his pockets."Hi," he greeted softly, his voice barely above a whisper."Hey, Rudra! Come on in," I said, stepping aside to let him enter. "Thanks for coming."Rudra nodded shyly, his eyes darting around. I couldn't help but feel  sympathy for him, social gatherings clearly weren't his forte.Leading him into the living room, I introduced him to my parents, who greeted him warmly.My brother, an extrovert, was making him more awkward. Rudra mumbled a polite greeting in return, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.As we sat down for dinner, I stole a glance at Rudra, who looked slightly ill at ease but determined to make the best of the situation. My parents engaged him in conversation, asking him about his studies and his interests."So, Rudra, you're studying business," papa began, trying to break the ice.Rudra nodded, his eyes flickering nervously between my parents. "Yes, sir.""That's wonderful! What made you choose business?" my maa chimed in, her warm smile encouraging.Rudra shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly unused to being the center of attention. "Um, well, I've always been intrigued by consumer behavior and market trends, so I thought business would be a good fit for me.""That's fantastic to hear. It's important to pursue what you're passionate about," papa remarked, nodding in approval.Throughout the meal, my parents continued to chat with Rudra, asking him about his favorite subjects, his career goals, and his experiences at the business college. Rudra responded with quiet sincerity.I watched with a mixture of pride and affection as Rudra gradually relaxed in my parents' company. Despite his shyness, he was making a genuine effort to connect with my family, and for that, I was immensely grateful.

We finished dinner and maa brought a tray of gulaab jamuns, and Abheer,shamelessly took away a bowl,without even thinking that we had a guest over.

Rudra gulped,maybe trying to control his laughter at this brat's behaviour.

Why God why?? BTW why am I thinking of Rudra's judgement? Dang it!

Maa settled down and we were about to have those luscious gulaab jamuns when the doorbell rang,I opened the door and peeked out.A man stood at the door,all thanks to the darkness outside,I couldn't see his face.

"I'm here for Rudra Jauhri"

Who could that person be?? Drop in your guesses in the comment box!

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