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Author's POV-

Kriti sat in the canteen,putting her bag aside,she picked up the menu card.It wasn't long enough when a loud laugh was heard by her. Peeking through the side of the menu, her gaze fell on yesterday's group of boys.
Not again..
Furious,her temper reached the limit when she saw one of the boys grab the nerd's collar.She puffed up her chest in anger, her tigress inside her roaring out loud.Tapping the boy's shoulder, she punched him hard on his face.
"What the f*ck?",he shouted
"Enough with your bullshit",she growled
"Who are you to tell us what to do?",one of them spoke up. Kriti chuckled,much to their bewilderment ."I think I have got enough proof to get your asses out of this college", saying this, she showed them a video of them ragging the boy.
"Hey! why are you so interested in this matter? Do you even know him?"
"I might not know him but you will be well known in the whole college for getting kicked out. Get lost before I call someone", Kriti was the epitome of fierceness at the moment. The gang, afraid of getting caught ,left from their, not before glaring at Kriti.

The boy stood silent in the corner, his eyes fixed on the ground. Before Kriti could leave, he spoke up," Thank you!"
Kriti turned around, "I thought you didn't have manners"
"No it's jus-ju-just that I-I-don't really talk to anyone tha-that much", he stammered
"Hmm looks like it..",she crossed her arms over her chest.
"How-how can I thank wha-what can I do-do for you?",he timidly asked.
"Get me something from the canteen",she smiled as he nodded and walked towards the canteen along with her.

They both sat on the table and he looked at her.
"What do you want?",he asked
"Umm..tea and sandwich will do",she said after taking her own sweet time looking at the menu.


"Oho! Topper",a girl came up to their table as Kriti waited for the boy to come after placing the order.
"Huh?",Kriti was confused
"That guy is a topper na?",she asked as she sat down along with her.Kriti recognised the girl as she was from her batch.
"Yeah he looks like one",she huffed."You are Disha,right?"
"Mhm,nice to meet you! and you--?"
"Hi Kriti"
They both had a good conversation when the boy arrived with one cup of tea and a sandwich.Keeping it on the table,he turned to leave.
"Would you not have anything?",Kriti asked
"No! I-I'm good",he replied
"Acha..have a seat"
"Umm.I-I have to complete an assignment"
"FINE! Tell me your name atleast",she said,irritated.
"Rudra",he answered.
"Nice name!",Disha intervened but Rudra left without paying any attention towards her."Rude though",she continued
"Yeah but he--I don't know..I get some different vibes from him,he looks strong yet he isn't",Kriti said,busy loooking in his direction.
"What do you mean?"
"Um..Nothing..should I order something for you?"
"Nopes,I've already had some food,but this sandwich looks tempting"
"Have some",she chuckled,as the girls enjoyed their food and gossiped throughout the break.


Rudra's POV-
I felt,for the very first time that someone stood up for me, but, I was embarrassed and couldn't shake the feeling of humiliation. The girl had talked to me on the very first day too.. but my inadequate  social skills might have made the reply sound rude.
She is nice though ,her warm and sincere gesture touched me a lot. No one would even care for someone like me getting bullied ,but despite that, she threatened those guys. Not knowing of anything to thank her back, I asked if she would want something.

Canteen was unexpected. No girl would want something to eat from the canteen in exchange of that confrontation.

"Mind if I sit here?", a voice disrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see who it was
"What?", I asked, surprised.
"Yeah. Can I sit here?", her face had a radiant smile.
I nodded and continued doing my assignment. She snapped her fingers in front of my face,frowning.
"Make some space for me to sit atleast..Your books are literally scattered all over the place"
Clearing up my space, I resumed my work but the chattering sound of the students was distracting.
Turning around ,I stared at the group at my back, chatting, and that girl was one of them. She had turned her face,her elbow on the desk at the back, making it accessible for her to talk to them.
Noticing my gaze, she spoke up ,"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you, I just sat here cause it was the nearest seat to my group."

Kriti's POV-

As I stepped into the class,my eyes fell on Disha and her friends who were making space for themselves to sit.I hurriedly walked towards them but the desk was already full.Locating the nearest seat,I asked Rudra if I could sit there.

This guy! Look at his books..Bet he doesn't even eat or sleep.Just studies the whole day.

I rolled my eyes as I continued my chit-chat. It wasn't long enough when I could feel his intense stare at me.Realising that I was disturbing him,I apologized immediately.

Not acknowledging any of it,he simply buried his face in the books.

"Kitaabon ke saath hi chipka rehta hai ",I whispered to the girls and they laughed. Suddenly, the teacher entered the class and I turned myself a 180 degrees back, to avoid getting kicked out of the class.

The lecture went fine,I raced with the time to note down each and every detail that the professor said, making sure not to miss any.But as I rotated my eyeballs to the left,I flared my nostrils in anger.
Does he have a notepad in his brain or what? Still not writing anything! Ughh!

Banging my fist hard on the table, I caught the unwanted attention of the whole room.
"Is something wrong Kriti?",the professor asked,crossing his arms over his chest.
"Ahmm..No..No Mr.Rathi..I'm sorry"
He continued his lecture and I sat back down,totally flushed about the incident.I did not dare look at Rudra again,knowing that I'll lose my temper again.

"Arghh!The lecture was too much..My hands are paining",I complained,getting out of the college.
"What you were writing things down? I got enough time to practice my doodling skills",Disha joked.
"So what You didn't write anything?",I gasped.She clicked her tongue.
DIsha continued with her rants when I noticed a black Mercedes-Benz standing outside the gate and Rudra getting inside on the back seat.

"Ameer log bhi itna padhte hai kya?",I murmured
(Do even rich people study so much?)

"I'll go now!",Disha said, leaving.
I smiled at hailed an auto to go back home, my competitive self still wondering on how does Rudra carry so much data in his brain, without writing anything in that blank copy of his.


How was the update??
Kriti does possess a competitive drive though..Topper hone ke lakshan..seene me aag lagti hai unke jaise intelligent bacho ko dekhkar!😁
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