CH - 22

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Author's Pov

Early in the morning the first person to wake up today was Pond. Tay and New both were equally shocked looking at their second son waking up this early. Before breakfast Pond went out for a walk, feeling excited about meeting Phuwin today, while his older brother was not in the mood at all. The family sat together and had their breakfast

Pond : dad when will they arrive ?

Joong : shut up dummy, eat your food ....joong glared at him while eating his breakfast

Pond : Aou Pa look he is scolding me....showing his full puppy eyes

Tay : joong stop glaring and Pond eat your food

New : they will arrive at 12, we still have 1 hour left Pond....why are you so excited ?

Pond : Phuwin will be here

Tay : today is all about your Phi and Dunk's marriage not yours

Pond : why ? Let me marry Phuwin too

New : did Phuwin agree ?

Pond : no

Tay : So....keep quiet and joong

Joong : um

Tay : be good we gave you time....they will be arriving soon

Joong : yes

Everyone was excited except joong who was deep in his thoughts....whether this marriage is right or not....dunk and him both have been getting along well but deep inside joong is still not sure....he was hoping that dunk have talked with his parents but there was something he was afraid what if dunk's situation was same like him



Here I am going to meet his family....Phuwin have been holding my hand since we got into the car, he knows that I am nervous and guess what last night I couldn't get any sleep thinking about it. Both of my parents are happy for me and also Phuwin....I think he really liked joong for me, after what phuwin said about me considering this marriage yesterday, I really thought for a while but the conclusion was he is a JERK not now but when we met the first impression of him was like that.

We arrived at their house and I could see my Pa running and hugging uncle New and uncle Tay. Phuwin and I got out of the car and here it is Pond coming to drag Phuwin away from me

Pond : common Phuwin let's go

Dunk : No, he will stay with me right Phuwin ....I looked at Phuwin hoping he would stay with me and he stayed

Phuwin : Pond let me stay here with P'dunk he needs me btw where's P'joong ?

Pond : oh idk, let me see

Pond went inside while I greeted uncle Tay and New. We all got inside the house and sat down together. Both our parents were busy talking to each other while Phuwin and I were getting bored

New : dunk son take Phuwin with you to joong's room, I will show you the way

Tay : yeah, I think Pond and joong are there together

Dunk : okay

Uncle New showed us the room and we both went there. Phuwin knocked on the door a few times than pond came out and let us in....I saw joong sitting and looking at his phone, is he ignoring me ?

Phuwin : P' joong your room is really nice

Joong : thanks, well stay here dont go to Pond's room its dirty

Pond : no I cleaned my room today

Joong : oh you did that's new

Pond : P'dunk come sit here

Dunk : yeah .....I went and sat near the study table, why was joong ignoring me ? God I was thinking to talk to him about our parents and now he is here not even looking at me

Pond : alright than Phuwin let's go they need some alone time .... P' joong look after P'Dunk.

Joong : wait you

Phuwin : bye

After they left the room felt in silence, I was looking at joong but he was busy on his I decided to talk first

Dunk : Why are you avoiding me ?

Joong : when ?

Dunk : sigh..joong look stop it, I am already nervous....I came up to talk and here you are on your phone

Joong : it's not like that...I am just not in the mood

Dunk : great than think about your own mood...if they decide our marriage today I won't say anything too....I am leaving

I quickly got out of the room, seriously this guy he is not even bothered about it....and I am here struggling. Let it be I won't say anything anymore to anyone ....if this happens than later I will just get a divorce from him.I clreared my mind and went down....pond and phuwin were there too and joong came down after a while. We all sat down and joong talked with my parents while I was talking to uncle New he is really kind not even a bit of joong. After talking for a while we all went to have our lunch together, till now no one have mentioned about marriage thing, I think they have given up.....from time to time I could see joong looking towards me ....huh jerk he was avoiding me a while ago and now he is looking at me why is he so moody

We all ate together than settled down in the living room, and the thing which I was afraid of really happened

Off : joong dunk we have decided something

Dunk : what is it dad ?

Tay : we decided that you both are really confused so why not get married first, get to know each other....we heard from pond and phuwin that you two really get along....we will see for one year, if by than you both still dont stay happy we will do as you wish is that okay ?

Gun : kids we have decided this since you both were disagreeing, give one year to it...after that we will do as you wish

New : so what do you say ?

I looked at joong, he avoided my gaze seriously now ? Should I accept it, its only one year right ? The way we both argue I don't think we will fall in love so should I accept it ? But what about joong what is he thinking....I want to ask but there are our parents, I again looked at him and this time joong looked at me and said

Joong : I will marry dunk I have decided

What ? He should have asked for some time we both have not talked yet and he already made the decision ....what are you thinking joong archen ?

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