CH - 3

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Ugh ! Why my head feels so heavy
I took the phone and checked the time
Shiaaa!! Its already 7:30
I quickly got out from the bed and went to washroom . I quickly went down and saw pa and dad both were sitting together and pond was also there.....I went towards the table and sat down

New : joong why did u drink yesterday son ? U know we were so worried about u

Tay : have u given a thought about yesterday thing ?

Pond : about what pa ?

Tay : your brother will be getting married soon son .

Joong : dad!!!
Have u even asked me if I want to marry ?

Pond : what marriage and with whom pa ?

Joong : its nothing pond
I am not getting married to anyone....let's go to school

Tay : they will be coming in 3 weeks be prepared and I don't want any excuses
Its for your own good
I don't want anyone to take advantage using your money

New : yes son tay is right !!
We took this decision very seriously
so please child don't get upset

Joong : upset ??
don't you think that I should marry someone whom I love and not the one whom I don't even know

Tay : then get to know him
he is staying here in bangkok and also studying in the same uni as you
his name is du....!!

Joong : dad please stop !!
I am leaving for uni

New : son listen

Pond : wait bro I am coming

After we left from home
Pond started comforting me telling me that when I meet the guy I can just reject him etc etc

After we arrived to uni I saw something bright hanging in my pocket
When I took it out it was a bracelet
It was so pretty but I don't wear bracelet then who's this is
Then suddenly I remembered that guy face from last night ....I think its his
I put the bracelet on my pocket and went to the class....

First : hey buddy!!
are u feeling good
Yesterday u just blacked out uk ?
And do u remember that beautiful guy u were arguing so badly with hahaha it was so funny that someone dared to argue and scold u yesterday 🤣🤣

Joong : (I gave a glare at him)
Done ?

First : calm down buddy I was just teasing you

Teacher : okay students we will be starting but first let me introduce a new student

Suddenly a boy came and he was looking pretty ig he was tall face was like a kitten wait tt!!!
He is the guy from last night

First : oiii joong !!
He is that guy u remember ?

Joong : I can see bastard

Teacher : his name is dunk natachai he came from germany to here five days ago....
So I hope everyone helps him with his studies

Dunk u can go & take your sit

Dunk : I was so nervous but when I came inside the class I saw something I did not expect
It was the guy from yesterday !!!
Shit why do I have to fave this jerk again but wait about my bracelet I think it will be with him


When the teacher told me I can take my seat I went and sat near the front table of that jerk
But wait why is he staring at me like that
Is there something on my face

After the class ended I started packing up my things and guess what that jerk came up to my table with his friend from yesterday

I asked what do u want he didn't reply he was just looking at my face
I asked again what is it ??

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