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After we both came home Dad said and tomorrow uncle off and uncle gun will come with dunk and phuwin for marriage discussions...I was going to say something but Pa whispered to me that I should not say anything now tomorrow will talk. I agreed to that and went to my room but this stupid brother of mine knowing that Phuwin is gonna come here he is jumping on my bed like crazy

Pond : yes I am gonna meet my phu tomorrow yayyy

Joong : get off my bed you are ruining it

Pond : how rude

Joong : go to your room I am already stressed

Pond : stressed about dunk ha ?

Joong : yes....I hope he have cleared out with his parents that we both are against this

Pond : why ? You both make a great couple just like me and phuwin

Joong : before I kick you out you better live my room

Pond : opps alright I am leaving

Joong : hm

After Pond left I went to take a shower and lied down on my bed thinking about tomorrow than I fell asleep


Pond's room

Phuwin you are coming right tomorrow ?

Phuwin : yes but why are calling I wanna sleep

Pond : I am excited

Phuwin : about what ? It's not like tomorrow they will talk about our marriage

Pond : erm if you want I can talk to dad than we four can get married together

Phuwin : shut up and sleep

Pond : alright than meet you tomorrow good night baby

Phuwin : pondd huf good night

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