CH - 14

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After phi joong got ready we went towards the school area. I saw phuwin, while I was going to call him he ran away from there crying and phi dunk talked to one guy and ran towards phuwin. Phi joong and I both were confused about what was going on. Phi first was trying to hold back khaotung so that the other doesn't get hurt. I went towards them and I asked khao what was happening but he did not say anything and left from there. Phi joong and I both went to phuwin's room to check on him.
                         When I got there phuwin already fell asleep maybe he got exhausted from crying. I sat near the bed and phi dunk had tears in his eyes

Pond : phi dunk what happened to phuwin and why are u crying like that ?

Dunk : its nothing pond about that guy where is he now?

Joong : he left from there......I saw him talking to the uni's president. Who was he ?

Dunk : phuwin's ex Drake

I felt little nervous when I heard about mentioning  phuwin's ex. What was he doing here.....what does he want from phuwin .....did he came back to take away phuwin many questions were running through my mind I couldn't think straight. Before I could say anything phi dunk told me to watch over phuwin as he wanted to talk to drake. Phi joong also got up and they both went to meet drake.
                         I gently patted phuwin's hair to comfort him. He was mumbling in his sleep ig he was having a bad dream so I lied down next to him and hugged him.

Pov - dunk

Joong : so what will you say to him ?

Dunk : just keep quiet for now I am really not in the mood to talk to you

Joong grabbed my wrist and made me sit down on the bench

      "What are you doing, I need to go joong"

Joong : I know but first calm down. You look pale are u okay ??

Dunk : yes I am its just i am scared

Joong : scared for what ?

Dunk : about drake I warned him but he still dared to show up in front of my nong. Look at phu now he was crying so much. I cant stand it ........I broke down infront of joong, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. Joong hugged me and comforted me.....after some time I felt calm and let go of him

Dunk : tha- thanks

Joong : its alright. You feel good now ?

Dunk : little bit

Joong : okay than lets go talk to him

Dunk : yeah

With that we both went to meet drake. He was shamelessly smiling and talking with others . I went near him and gave him a tight slap for hurting phu which I couldn't do earlier

Drake : hey !! What was that for

Dunk : for hurting my nong . u drare show up in front of him. You jerk....I was going to punch him but joong held me

Drake : calm down I just wanted to meet my ex that's it

Dunk : for what ha ? Didn't  phi force warned you

Drake : so what he's my ex and I could see he still likes me so I just wanted to get back together

Dunk : for money ! Don't you dare approach my nong

Drake : no problem I can approach u then what do u say ?  You have quite a beautiful body we can date
Dunk : You pervert ho w....

          I was going to slap him but joong suddenly twisted his arm and he fell down on his knees in front of me

Joong : you dare touch him

Drake : Ah you bastard let go who are u his lover ? Let go

Joong : its non of your business stay away from both dunk and phuwin or else you are gonna regret

Dunk : joong don't let go of him. You might get into trouble... Joong stop !!

Joong : alright

Dunk : don't show up again I am warning you

Drake : I won't I will take back phuwin just u wait

Gawin : Hey guys what's going on, why are u fighting with drake ?

Joong : you know him ?

Gawin : ohh yes he is my friends cousin. I called him here to organize this evenings party

Dunk : just tell him to go from here

Gawin : I can't we already paid him

Drake : its alright phi lets go inside both are mad people 
              With that drake and Gawin both went together inside

Dunk : Noooo what should I do ? If he stays here he might cause trouble

Joong : dunk its okay I will handle it this time

Dunk : no joong u already helped I don't want to trouble you

Joong : phuwin is my nong too so don't think like that

Dunk : Um lets go now, I need to check on phu

We both walked towards my room. I went inside and saw that phuwin got up

Dunk : phuu !! U okayy ?

Phuwin : yes phi but......phii is he gone ?

Dunk : No he will stay

Phuwin : I am scared phi ......why he wants me now phi .....he will beat me

Dunk : phu don't cry I am here. Pond joong we all are here , we will not let him touch you

Joong : phuwin don't get scared, if he does something I will beat him

Phuwin : thank you phi joong

Dunk : phu u should rest more don't stress about drake. We will deal with him

Joong : I will go check on drake don't worry

Dunk : okay joong

Phuwin fell asleep. I cover him with blanket and saw pond sitting still near the bed, I got up and asked him to come out with me. I could see he was feeling hurt looking at phuwin crying

Dunk : pond don't worry

Pond : phi please tell me what happened with phuwin that he is so scared of his ex

Dunk : be patient pond let phu talk to u you about this matter

Pond : okay phi

Dunk : I know u like him so be patient with him. He needs time ....I gently patted his shoulder

Pond : I know phi

Dunk : so look over phuwin for me. I will go to meet joong

Pond : okay

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