Episode 29: Jungle Rescue

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*The hovercraft has been shot down by blood bots, crashing into the jungles of Thailand 🇹🇭, the survivors being Kappei, Emma, and Kap Jr have all been captured by the black bloods lead Fidel Alejandro Hector, Jacksmel thunderson who has escaped the academy, and Vladimir Zhokhov*

Zhokhov: ah Hello Kappei

Hector: Hola Emma senorita

Jacksmel: sup Little Kap heard you got your butt kicked at Shanghai, what a shame *breath out smoke in his face* that's the smoke of failure *smirks*

Zhokhov: alright men and bots Let's head back before the storm hits us *they all started heading back*

*The Kappei family has their hands in the air and follow the soldiers to their hidden base in the mountaius jungles*

Kappei: crap

Emma: oh no...black bloods

Kap Jr: ah crude...way to go Ural...


Kap Jr: okay.....okay.... I'm sorry....*little tears*.... I'll accept being grounded

Emma: until you redeem yourself Kap Jr promise that okay

Kap Jr: promise mom *blood bot pushed him*

Blood bot 1: Keep moving no delaying *with their guns pointing at them they keep moving through the jungle even zapping mosquitoes in the area to not cause distractions to let them escape* Ketsueki will be proud

Blood bot 2: Ketsueki will surely give us upgrades to our army

Blood bot 3: all hail Shotgun Ketsueki, leader of the black bloods samurai clan *black blood soldiers march with them as well keeping the prisoners in tact and one of the soldiers is Dimitri*

Dimitri: *seeing how worried the family is starting to question their goals but doesn't want to get in trouble* keep going you three the boss doesn't like to be impatient *other black bloods chatted each other about their accomplishments*

Kappei: many black bloods are speaking Russian

Emma: they must be pro Russians, not happy how the western allies did their country 23 years ago even tho we helped the people

Kap Jr: oh dear goodness....

*Blood jeeps arrived and the Kappei family got on at gunpoint, black bloods sit next to them and Dimitri calls shotgun and Zhokhov drives*

Dimitri: *takes off his helmet* is everyone strapped in *engine started and everyone is ready with the Kappei family sweating a lot cause of their worries*

Zhokhov: alright....Grandson *everyone except the black bloods are shocked*

Dimitri: let's go grandpa *they drove off and many bugs get splatted on the windshields and so they cleaned it off* damn mosquitoes

Zhokhov: at least the storm will scared them away grandson *they drove behind the other jeeps*

Kappei: So...you're a grandpa!

Zhokhov: yeah I'm Vladimir Zhokhov Skalinci general of the Russian army during the 2nd Russian civil war after that disastrous war with Ukraine and thanks to support from you academy ninjas Russia collapse into warring nations and due to the western allies they changed it in their vision, gave freaking Siberia Independence, help Georgia 🇬🇪 gain land as well as Ukraine, Finland and the three Baltics states, even Belarus was free and joined NATO along with Georgia and Ukraine, I'm sick of you westerns ruining my home country and I'm very sick of that ninja Ron

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