Part 1: The Origin as Establishing of Großdeutschen Kaiserreiches.

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(NOTED: Next Chapter)


North German Confederation or aka now is Großdeutschen Kaiserreiches.

The train lurched to a stop, jolting Friedrich awake. He blinked, the harsh sunlight momentarily blinding after weeks spent in the grimy confines of military carriages. A cheer erupted from outside, a ragged, joyous sound that sent a tremor through him. Home. He was finally home.

Pushing past numb legs, Friedrich stumbled out onto the platform. A wave of emotions crashed over him - relief, exhaustion, a gnawing fear that this might all be a dream. The familiar scent of pine and damp earth filled his lungs, a stark contrast to the acrid tang of gunpowder that clung to his clothes.

The crowd on the platform was a cacophony of color and noise.

Women, their faces etched with worry lines, scanned the faces of returning of their Husband, their Love one.

Children, their laughter tinged with nervous energy, bounced on the balls of their feet.

Old Parent as Family, their backs bent with time, stood solemnly, their eyes searching for a glimpse of their sons.

Friedrich's Eye swept the throng, searching for the familiar Face of his Wife always wore. There. A flash of color by the water fountain.

His heart hammered against his ribs as he pushed through the cheering crowd.

"Elina?" His voice, rough from disuse, cracked in the air.

The woman turned, her face creased in confusion. Then, recognition dawned, lighting up her eyes. "Friedrich?" she cried, her voice choked with emotion.

Before he could react, she was in his arms, her frail body trembling against his broad frame.

He held her tight, the scent of lavender and woodsmoke grounding him. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring the scene before him.

The cheers and shouts seemed to fade away, leaving only the comforting rhythm of his Wife sobs against his chest.

A small hand tugged at his coat. He looked down to see a young girl and Young Boy, their hair is blonde similar to him, staring at him with wide, curious eyes.

"Vater?" Girl one whispered, her voice barely audible.

Friedrich's breath hitched. He hadn't seen his Kid, since they was a babe. A pang of guilt stabbed him.

All the birthdays missed, the stories untold, the lullabies unsung when he in War for Vaterland.

He knelt down, his heart overflowing with a mixture of joy and sorrow.

"Ja, meine kleine Greta," he rasped, his voice thick with emotion. "Es ist dein Vater."

A shy smile spread across Greta's face. She reached out a tentative hand, her fingers brushing against his cheek. A tear escaped his eye, tracing a warm path down his cheek.

He was home. He was finally home, with the people he loved most in the world. But a part of him, forever marked by the horrors of war, how many his Friend Blood have floor on war as knew he might never truly be whole again.


Großdeutschen Kaiserreiches Government as Political since 1871

Since the German Unification after the War that birth of the Großdeutschen Kaiserreich in 1871 was a political earthquake, stitching together a patchwork of proud, independent states under the banner of a unified Großdeutschen Kaiserreiches.

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