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(Author: Yo. I'm back, I guess. I finally have bit breath after many thing I need to do on My German Class so I can write Something on Fanfiction because I feel bit Bored so Enjoy!)


Fate. A word whispered on the wind, etched in the cracks of ancient ruins, and contemplated by philosophers through the ages.

But what truly is it? Is it a predetermined script, our lives playing out like a pre-recorded movie? Or is it a swirling nebula of possibilities, shaped by our choices and the random whims of a chaotic universe?

Or perhaps that the fate is a grand tapestry, woven by unseen hands in the vast expanse of space. Each thread represents a life, its color and texture reflecting experiences, choices, and chance encounters of what we do as who we are that would effect to Us and World Around us.

The weavers, beings of pure starlight or Jerk cosmic gremlins depending on who you ask, work tirelessly, incorporating the threads into a magnificent cosmic artwork. 

Yet, within this tapestry, there's room for movement. A sudden gust of solar wind might nudge a thread, altering its course. A tear, mended with a celestial band-aid of chance, might create a new path entirely.

Here's the beauty of this metaphor: The weavers might have a grand design, but they also leave room for free will to dance within the framework. 

Our choices, big and small, become knots in the tapestry, influencing the flow of our lives and those around us. But fate can also be a playful trickster. A random meteor shower (metaphorically speaking) can send our carefully laid plans careening off course, forcing us to adapt and improvise.

Ultimately, fate might be a combination of both these ideas. A predetermined melody with space for improvisation. A cosmic script with room for ad-libs. It's a force that shapes our lives, but it doesn't dictate them entirely. We are the co-authors of our stories, and the choices we make become the ink that writes them.

So Can we change our fate? This is the million-dollar question that has fueled countless philosophical debates and sleepless nights.

If fate is a preordained script, then the answer seems bleak. However, if it's a tapestry woven with threads of possibility, then hope emerges.

Our choices, like nimble fingers, can manipulate the threads of fate. A seemingly insignificant decision, like taking a different route to work, might lead to a chance encounter that alters the course of your life. The key lies in embracing the randomness and chaos of the universe. Perhaps fate isn't a singular path, but a branching network of possibilities. Each choice we make opens new pathways, while others fade into obscurity.

The weavers, or the forces of fate, might not appreciate our meddling. Imagine a mischievous gremlin tasked with weaving a specific pattern. Every time you deviate, it has to scramble to adjust the tapestry. This could lead to unforeseen consequences, unexpected challenges, or even a tangled mess.

So, can we truly change fate? The answer, like the nature of fate itself, remains a mystery. We might not be able to rewrite the entire script, but we can certainly influence the scenes we find ourselves in. By embracing our choices, navigating the unexpected, and maybe even collaborating with the weavers, we can weave a future that, while not entirely our own design, is filled with the vibrant colors of our free will.

In 2024.

A cold wind whipped through the Brandenburg Gate, the iconic landmark bearing the scars of history like wrinkles on an old man's face. Perched atop the chariot above, Wilhelm, surveyed the bustling city of Berlin. Below, the hum of daily life seemed muted, a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding on the eastern borders. News reports flickered across the screens of his internal display - the Russo-Ukrainian War, a bloody stalemate dragging on for years.

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