𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭: 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧

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(Chapter Six: Stupid Spider)
The water was concerningly clean. It didn't make sense, since this place had been left to rot for decades, and it seemed like nobody had been here since the day the place shut down. It was concerningly safe, somehow? Well, it was nice to give yourself a break. You hadn't noticed how sore everything really was, since you didn't have time to anyhow. Once your muscles had time to relax, you got back up and pressed one of the buttons. The two bridges above the silo of water moved, changing to lead up to some double doors. Going through led you to a small hallway with a elevator and a Cat-Bee cardboard cutout. You didn't bother pressing the button with this one. Rather, you got on the lift and went up. And up. And up. Until you couldn't go higher. Fuck. Dead end already? You went back down and noticed the conveyors around you were moving Bunzo toys along before they fell off into the void below. It was rather morbid. So you grabbed one, saving it from it's doom and taking it back with you. You slapped the buttons a few more times before the bridges changed to a different path down the middle. You tried that door and it was locked, so you went back and changed the placement again to try the right side door. It wasn't really locked. Not by a key, anyway! Just a... scanner for a toy. You set the Bunzo Bunny toy down and the door unlocked, letting you through. You took one last glance at the shing water before going on your way. You trekked onward, and after going through another tight vent and completing ANOTHER puzzle, you try to get back to the door you'd opened after a stupidly long process you fall through the vent you came through and land hard on the ground, groaning. Getting up, you were met with a heavy duty metal security door, the two red lights on it signaling it wouldn't be open for you just because you turned a doorknob. (Not that it had any.) You turned to see a short hallway with just enough light to see your way ahead. Once you made your way to the end you looked up to see a pipe you could grab pack onto. Well, if that STUPID SPIDER didn't almost crush you. Thankfully you lunged back in time to avoid her. "I ASKED YOU TO PLAY FAIR, AND YOU CHEATED!" The anger in her voice was spewing out like venom at you, before her tone changed to a more confined anger. "Now, we're going to play one last GAME!" Her fingers gripped the wall as she got in a position to lunge at you and maul you. "It's called... hide, and..." You expected to get munched before she did. "SEEK!" She restrained herself, but her pupils had gone so wide they were taking up her entire fucking eye, leaving a thin circle of white surrounding the pitch black. Her mouth was now a unnerving smile as she spoke. "Ten." The metal door opened behind you and you wasted no time running down the flights of stairs that were behind it as she counted down, her soft voice echoing through the halls. By the time you reached the bottom, she was already at four. You didn't stop running. Even when you wedged yourself between a hole in the wall, and then through another hole that lead through a tunnel that led you to a vent that dropped you down into another hall. What was with this place with holes, tunnels, and vents anyway? You flicked a lever for a toy transport vent and got through there and tripped on a hole and then you fell at LEAST 3 stories down but yet you felt fine and then-

Okay. Calm down, Y/N. You aren't going to win this "game" by panicking without thinking. Okay, first things first. Where were you now? A room with a big gate that wouldn't open when you pulled it's lever. Options? Going the other way. This proved successful until you reached a wooden employees only door. The problem? It creaked harshly, it's hinges begging for a good oiling. You were sure it made enough noise to be heard by her. Or maybe it wasn't. But you were sure that the second door that creaked just like the last, did. Like a little dinner bell ringing to the world; "Look at me, I'm over here! Come consume my insides like it's a Vegas-style buffet!" Then again, maybe she was far, far away. Far enough away to not hear it. Walking ahead you found a gate and four levers on the walls. All different colors. Red, blue, green, and yellow. After a few attempts at pulling them you figured there was a order to it, something you were missing, at least. But, as per usual the answer was up in the form of another spot for your grab pack to grab onto, and you pulled yourself upwards into the ceiling. The cords that were connecting to the levers were up here, and each beside yellow was connected to a numbered box. Red was 2, green was 1, and blue was 3. Lowering down, you figured it out. THAT was the order. Green first, then red, then blue, and finally yellow. And when you tried it, it worked. You wouldn't have figured that out if you were in panic mode, for sure. The gate rumbled open for you and you hoped it didn't make too much noise. You quickly went through the halls beyond it, and after rounding a corner, a massive pink spider descended from the ceiling, ready to MUNCH you. She laughed manically as you ran backward, and her large thudding of her hands getting closer. Well, she was trying to gain on you. Thankfully you had taken a break and you had enough stamina to run away fast. Which was proving quite helpful. Instead of running back to the closed off gate from before, you shot your grab pack up into the ceiling hole as she ran into the room. She stampeded back and forth, searching vigorously for you, clearly not knowing the life hack of looking up when in doubt. You were grateful for her lack of knowledge. after going back and forth, she groaned out before finally going away. You lowered yourself down after hanging there for a few minutes, worried she was playing with you. You went onward back down the hall, hoping she didn't pop out at you again. You managed to get to a new area, just as dark as the last. There was another mechanism with a note on it saying the gear needed to be replaced. Considering the was no gear in the mechanism, that seemed about right. And there was a furnace. Why was there a furnace? No clue. Opening up it's industrial sized doors, some of the coals were still a glowing orange and there was a plate with a funnel above it. Maybe for a mold, perhaps? You turned and shot your green hand at an outlet and turned and shoot it at a receiver next to the furnace. The cord connected sparkled like a fuse, before entering the massive oven. Suddenly, the entire thing lit up like a firework, coating the room in it's light. It died down after a few moments, leaving you back in the dark. You walked up some stairs to a elevated platform still against the furnace, and found a hole in the side of it shaped like a gear. Just about the size of the hole in the mechanism- wait. Did they really put this furnace right next to that just to make a gear in case the last one broke? Well, props to them for connivence, but it seemed excessive. Although, you weren't going to complain. Going back down the stairs, you noticed a yellow glimmer from some spinney shelfs, the kind from WALL-E's house in the movie. It was the mold you needed for the hole in the furnace. Was it really this easy? You carried it up the stairs and inserted it in the hole. You shot the green hand again and repeated the process quickly, and once again the room lit up thanks to the furnace's flames. The heat blasted against you before it vanished as the green hand's charge ran out on the receiver. Once it was clear, you walked in and grabbed the newly made gear, still toasty warm in your hands. You set it down since it heated up your hands a bit too much, and traded in your previous tactic for rolling it like a tire. You managed to roll it to the space in the mechanism for it, and sliding it into place with a satisfying click. You pulled the lever and walked through the gate after it rumbled open, walking across the catwalks you saw a pink hand rise up from the right side, and manic laughter. You doubled back as the spider chased after you. Instead of heading all the way back to the ceiling hole, you hid in the furnace, shutting the big doors behind you. You hunkered down in the corner as she ran around outside, laughing loudly.

Like last time, she stopped after a bit and lumbered off, laughing to herself, louder this time. Her haunting giggling and whatnot faded away soon enough, so you pushed the doors open wide and stepped out. The room was empty once more. Aside from you, that is. Onward you went. You had to flick another lever, and when you did, her pink arm came over the ledge, again. This was just getting stupid at this point. You ran backward, about to reach the furnace room, only to find that she'd webbed it off. Meaning you'd have to run back to the ceiling hole. Sadly, poor construction nearly smushed you, the path being blocked with rubble coming down on it. Thankfully, the sudden slam knocked a door open for you. How lucky. Slamming it open with a slap of your grab pack's hand, you changed directions and ran a bit faster now, since her laughter sounded like it was getting closer. You run down the hall before dropping down to what seemed to be a sewage treatment pipe. Looking foward you saw her again, again she started squeezing herself through some bars to get at you. That gave you more than enough incentive to run the other way, which was down a smaller pipe. You trudged through the water as fast as you could. The pipe had many different paths, a few having one of her elongated hands swiping at you. You made it to a small clearing, and looked up. There was a pipe for your grab pack, and you didn't waste a moment shooting the blue hand up. Just as you started going up, her body popped out of the pipe you just got through, looking up at you. You wouldn't even know that she had a sclera if you'd seen her without her pupils so dilated. She laughed more as she started climbing, her fingers digging into the wall as she ascended. You swung a bit onto the ledge, making a quick right between some pipes and firing your blue hand again to swing across a gap. With a subtle thud you landed on safe ground and kept running, making it to a hole in the ground which placed you in the big gate room you'd started in. This time you could open the gate since you'd put the gear in. You quickly pulled the lever, slinking under before it even opened all the way. You ran down the concerningly long hallway before shooting your hand at a blue hand pad to power the door. About halfway in, you heard her again, laughing as the pounding of her feet getting closer was all you could hear, as it echoed against the walls. The gate opened and you saw a lever. Out of instinct, you flipped it with your grab pack hand. And she ran in, after you, throwing herself into the room, a hand lodged into the grinder. Why was there a grinder there? No clue. But it did start, and you heard her scream as her arm was dragged in. She used her foot to kick at the lever, managing to push it up some but not enough. While she was doing that, you had managed to pull a gate up just enough to get under. As she screamed, you felt a sense of pity. Guilt, maybe? Well, you could just leave her there. Or...

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 :

(Pull The Lever)
-𝐏𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

(Leave Her)
-𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫

"Innocence" Poppy Playtime AU Self-InsertWhere stories live. Discover now