May 6 - 12 (Week 19)

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Hello there fellow wordsmiths!!! Welcome to an exciting week in the month of May.

Yep, you guessed it right... for this week, we'll be using prompts based on the month of May.
Show us what you've got 🙌🏻

Here are the prompts for this week:

1. Write a story about a character who unexpectedly discovers a hidden garden blooming in full splendor during the month of May, and how this discovery changes their perspective on life.

2. Amidst the tranquil May mornings, a series of mysterious occurrences begin to unfold in a small town. Write a story about a curious resident who becomes entangled in the enigma, uncovering secrets buried beneath the blossoming flowers of May.

3. As the warmth of May envelopes the city, a chilling thriller unravels. Pen a story about a detective racing against time to solve a series of gruesome crimes that emerge with the blooming of May flowers, each clue leading deeper into a web of deception and danger.

4. During the vibrant month of May, a group of friends stumble upon an ancient map leading to a forgotten treasure hidden deep within a lush forest. Craft a tale of adventure as they embark on a thrilling journey filled with perilous obstacles, unexpected allies, and the quest for untold riches amidst the beauty of May's landscape.

5. As the month of May unfolds, a sleepy town becomes the stage for inexplicable paranormal phenomena. Compose a story about a skeptical investigator who, after witnessing a series of eerie events, delves into the supernatural mysteries lurking beneath the surface, confronting ghosts, poltergeists, and otherworldly entities that emerge with the arrival of May's mysterious energies.

We are exited to see what new worlds you create. Don't forget to use the tag #wriderspromptstories so we can see your book faster and add it to our reading lists.

We'll see you next week 😁

Yearly Writing Prompts 2024जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें