March 11 - 17, 2024 (Week 11)

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New Week... New Prompts 🙌🏻

We acknowledge each and everyone of you that has been using the prompts we've provided so far to carve out an exceptional world with very unique characters. Yes, we are your stories 😉.

Keep up the good work!

For this week... as we celebrate Ariana Grande stepping into the red carpet once again after 4 years... we've decided to create unique writing prompts inspired by the amazing artist.

Here are the prompts for this week:

1. Write a dialogue between Ariana Grande and a time-traveling fan who accidentally ends up in her dressing room, leading to unexpected adventures through different eras.

2. Craft a story where Ariana Grande herself becomes a detective investigating mysterious incidents at her own concerts, uncovering a hidden world of intrigue.

3. Create a romantic comedy where two strangers accidentally switch bodies during an Ariana Grande concert, leading to hilarious and heartwarming
consequences as they navigate each other's lives.

4. Explore a whimsical fantasy world where
Ariana Grande's voice has the power to awaken dormant magic in enchanted creatures. A young protagonist must seek her out to save their realm from an impending disaster

5. In a society where emotions are traded as commodities, tell the story of an individual who possesses a rare emotion inspired solely by Ariana Grande's music, becoming the target of a corporation seeking to monopolize this unique emotional currency.

We can't wait to see what you create 💖

Yearly Writing Prompts 2024Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz