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Steve's POV

He fucked up and he knows it and right now he would do anything to go back in time.

Seeing that positive pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom side sent him into a state of shock.
Words came out of his mouth like word vomit and he wishes he could take them back because he knows this isn't Lottie's fault.
As soon as she got the all clear to resume normal activities the two of them couldn't help but fuck all the time.

He's taken what should be a joyous moment for them and obliterated it into pieces.

Holy fuck he can't believe he's going to be a dad.

However his mind is transported back to almost a year ago when he walked into that hospital and saw her lying on the bed when his world stopped because he nearly lost her, and now here she was again unconscious and laying in a hospital bed.

Guilt almost drowns him because he knows he is the reason she's here, if he hadn't been so stupid and just took a moment to think before he spoke they wouldn't be here.

Thankfully they've said the baby is fine and that Lottie is dehydrated probably because she can't keep anything down and her blood pressure was too high.
We all know who caused that.
They've said they want to monitor her for a couple of days which he knows Lottie's not going to be happy about, but he's all for it as long as it means they both stay safe and healthy.

"Come on pretty girl open your eyes so I can tell you how sorry I am. I fucked up I know I did" he holds her hand.

As he waits for her to wake an idea forms in his head and he heads out to make a phone call to Wanda, who hopefully will help him with his plan once she's given him an ass kicking.
Honestly he knows he deserves it.

Once he's explained his plan to Wanda he texts Bucky to help him pull it off.
This is just one step in hopefully gaining her forgiveness.

Walking back into the room he settles onto his seat and leans forward so he's close to her stomach.

"Daddy's sorry for upsetting mummy. I'm so happy we've made you and I can't wait to meet you little one. Just know that daddy loves you and mummy more than anything" he then kisses her stomach gently.

"Steve" he hears Lottie's voice and looks up to see her with tears in her eyes.

"Lottie I'm so sorry. I'm the biggest idiot and I know I fucked up and should never have said what I did. I should never have blamed you" he holds her hand gently.

"What you said hurt Steve. For you to even think I could do this on purpose" her sentence is cut off with a sob.
"I'm so sorry" he repeats and his heart is breaking seeing her look broken again.

"Is the baby okay?" She asks.
"The baby is fine but they are worried about you, they've said they want you to stay in a couple of days for monitoring" he tells her.
"No Steve I don't want to be here" she panics.
"I know but it's for the best" he strokes her hair but she turns away from him.

"Please go I need to be alone" she whisper as tears fall.
"Lottie please" he begs.
"You hurt me Steve I need some time alone" he knows that but he doesn't want to leave her alone.

"I will be right outside. I'm sorry" he kisses her forehead and walks out.


He's praying that Wanda and Bucky can pull off his plan.
A little while later the doctor goes in to check on her and she lets him in the room since they will be seeing the baby for the first time.

"That's our baby" Steve gasps at the tiny little blob on screen as the sound of a heartbeat fills the room.
The doctor informs them that she's around 7 weeks along but everything looks healthy with the baby.

After the doctor leaves Wanda and Bucky arrive with part of Steve's grovelling.
Her favourite meal and milkshake.

Lottie kicks out him and Bucky wanting some time alone with Wanda.

"How you doing man?" Bucky asks as they make their way outside for some fresh air.
"Honestly I'm so happy but I know I fucked it up" he sighs .

"Yeah you did man" Bucky gives his friend a sympathetic look.
"I was just in shock I mean we never talked about kids. Once the shock disappeared I couldn't be happier Buck and then she passed out and my world stopped" tears sting in his eyes.

"She's okay and so is the little one. Yes you fucked up but you two have been through too much not to make it right" he holds onto his shoulder.
"We've definitely been through a lot and fuck I love her so much I can't lose her now after everything" Steve rubs his eyes.

"You won't lose her buddy" Bucky sounds so sure.

A little while later Wanda comes out the room and joins them, clipping Steve round the back of the head.
He definitely knows that he deserves worse than that so he's not complaining.

"You're such a dumb ass, but it's not all lost. Give her time she will forgive you, what you're doing is sweet. You guys go work on it and I will stay with her." she smiles at him.

He doesn't want to leave.
"Steve they are both safe, but right now she needs space. Go get some rest and I will constantly keep you updated" she hugs him and he gives in.

"Let me just go say bye" he sighs.

He heads into the room and walks up to the bed.
"Call me if you need anything" he kisses her forehead but she doesn't say anything.

"Come on bud" Bucky pulls him from the room and they set off and he's determined to make his plan work.

Two days later and Lottie is discharged from the hospital and Wanda brings her back to the apartment.

"I have a surprise for you" he says before she can get comfortable on the sofa.

He leads her to one of the guest bedrooms and pushes it open.
The room has been turned into a nursery.

"Steve" she gasps.
"This is just to get an idea of what it could look like. We can do the real nursery together in our new home and maybe we can wait to decorate it once we find out what we are having" he states.

"What was that about a new home?" she turns and looks at him confused.
"I've had Wanda help me narrow down some houses she thought you would love and we are going to view them in a couple of days once you've rested up. We are starting a family we should have a big house and a garden for the kids to run around in" Steve smiles.

"Kids?" She raises an eyebrow at him.
"Yes kids I want a whole football team of babies with you" he admits and she laughs.
"Yeah let's see how we get on with this one first" she walks up to him and kisses him.

God he's missed her these last couple of days.
"I love you so much Lottie"
"I love you Steve"

He can't wait for their future together and is excited to begin looking for their perfect family home and make it theirs.
He's also looking forward to see Lottie grow with their baby, he has a feeling pregnancy is going to look good on her.

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