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Steve's POV

Steve wakes the next morning reaching over to the spot next to him only to find it cold and empty. Groaning he runs his hand over his face before turning to the side and seeing her suitcases that had been sat by the walk in wardrobe last night are now gone.

After she stormed upstairs to pack, he sat drinking before deciding to go have it out with her. He wasn't letting her walk away from him that easy, not after everything recently.
They got into a heated argument until eventually it turned into angry sex, where he then spent most the night buried deep inside her telling her she was his and she wasn't leaving him.
But now as the cold light of day seeps into the bedroom realisation hits him that she must have sneaked out after he had drifted off to sleep with her wrapped safely in his arms.

His stomach drops as a heavy feeling sinks in, he can't quite identify what the feeling is. Disappointment. Anger. Sadness. Frustration.
Steve's not quite sure but whatever it is he doesn't like it.

Reaching for his phone he sees a message from Lottie sitting unread.
Just two words.
I'm sorry.

He tries to dial her number but if goes to voicemail, throwing his phone in frustration he jumps out of bed needing a shower and coffee to clear his head.

Strolling into his office later that morning he sees Bucky sat on the couch, with coffee in his hand.
"Where's Peggy she's normally in by now and a hot cup of coffee is normally on your desk" he asks confused.
Groaning to himself as he remembers that his wife caught him almost getting a blowjob and fired his secretary.

Slouching down on the sofa next to his best friend he begins to fill him in on the events that unfolded yesterday.

"We're you actually going to let Peggy suck you off?" Buck asks.
"No I told you I was pushing her away when Lottie came in. She wasn't taking no for an answer and before I knew what was happening she was on her knees. But that's not important did you not hear the part where Lottie has up and left for London" frustration in his voice.

"Yeah that does suck man" Buck sighs.
"I don't wanna think about it right now" Steve stands up moving to his desk "I have to find a new secretary."

Just then a knock on his door comes.
"Come in" he shouts and in walks a man with dirty blonde hair and ruggish good looks carrying a to go cup of coffee.

"How did you get in and who are you?" Steve asks raising an eyebrow at him.
"I'm Peter Quill, Lottie sent me a message to say that you were in need of a secretary and that I start today" he announces but suddenly realisation hits him. "Which I'm guessing judging by the confused look on your face you didn't know anything about?"
"No I didn't" Steve smiles a tight smile.

"Well let me start by handing you this, because no offence you look like you need it" Peter hands Steve the coffee.
"I don't need a secretary" Steve snaps but takes the coffee as the guys right he does need it.
"Yeah you do and just so you know I'm not going to be doing the extra services your old one was clearly providing. Don't get me wrong you're good looking but I'm just not into dudes, I just love the pussy" he smirks at Steve.

Bucky bursts out laughing and stands from the sofa.
"I like him" he says patting Steve on the back.
"You must be Mr Barnes" Peter hold out his hand.
"James" Bucky replies shaking his hand.
Steve stands shocked at what's happening before him and the words his apparently new secretary spoke.
Why did Lottie bother going through the hassle of hiring a new one for him, although it is only fair considering she fired the last one. The girl clearly works fast because it hasn't even been 24hrs and he came in prepared with coffee.

"I worked for Lottie so you know I will be good as she doesn't just hire anyone and certainly doesn't keep you around if she thinks you aren't working well" Peter says before heading towards the door. "I'm gonna head to HR and then I will get set up"
Steve can't help but feel pissed off at his confidence and then a thought enters his mind that he can't help but suddenly voice.

"Wait" he shouts causing Peter and Bucky to look at him.
"Have you fucked my wife?" He blurts out and Peter bursts out laughing causing Steve to give him a death glare.
"I'm flattered that you think someone like Charlotte Stark would be interested in someone like me, but no I haven't fucked your wife" Peter replies with a smile on his face.
Happy with the answer he nods.
"Fine Bucky's assistant will show you where HR is" he gives in as it saves him the hassle of going through interviews.

Peter's right if he worked for Lottie then he must be good at his job whatever that may have been before, he doesn't overly care to find out as long as he can do the job of a secretary well.
At the same time if frustrates him because it's a nice thing for Lottie to do at a time he wants nothing more than to be pissed off at her for leaving.

A month has passed since Lottie left for London and he's ignores the odd message that she's sent and messages and call from Wanda, he's still too pissed off to speak about her.
He's thrown himself into work wanting the distraction and as much as he hates to admit this, the Peter guy is amazing much better than Peggy was.

Bucky walks into his office just as he's ended a call.
"Wanda called me" Bucky says entering the room.
"Right" Steve asks confused why his friend feels the need to share this information with him.
"She said she's tried to call you today" he looks concerned.

"I've been in meetings back to back my phones in my draw" he says opening the top drawer and pulling his phone out seeing several missed calls from Wanda, one from Tony and an unknown number.
"What's happened?" Steve asks as panic begins to rise.
Shit has Rumlow broken free and got her again.

"There was some kind of accident, Lottie is in hospital. Wanda already has a flight booked to go over as Tony and Pepper can't due to business. I'm not too sure on more details than that" Bucky says stopping in front of his best friend, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Call Wanda tell her we will take my jet" Steve says as pain fills his chest of the thought of Lottie hurt halfway across the world and possibly alone.
"Thought you might say that I've already had Peter instructed to get everything ready, Maria is on her way with a bag and your passport" Bucky smiles.

"Wait how did you know.." Steve begins to say but Bucky cuts him off.
"We've been friends since we were kids, Steve I know you but I think you don't know yourself at times. You've been moping around since the moment she left. So we are going to board the plane to London with Wanda and we are going to have a nice long chat about you and your wife. Then hopefully by the time we touch down in London you will realise that you are madly in love with your wife" Bucky smirks.

Shit is he right.
Has he fallen in love with his wife?
Right now though his first thought is getting to London to make sure she is okay, the overwhelming need to know she's safe and okay is clawing at his chest.
Holy shit.
Bucky's right!

Mastermind (Steve Rogers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang