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Third Person's POV

Third Person's POV

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2 hours later*

"Do you think he come?" Hoshi asked Jeonghan impatiently. They parked by the restaurant they sent for the location but instead of going in, they waited inside the car.

"If you were him will you?" Jeonghan asked first before he continues, "He needs to come and figure out what I want to say to him because curiosity often kills the cat."

Hoshi is getting so uneasy the longer he wait and suddenly their Lamborghini Urus feels smaller than a regular car due to his anxiety. Jeonghan is a smart and tricky person, he probably has everything plans out, still, Hoshi doesn't want them to be involved farther into this mess because one wrong step will crumble their whole group entirely.

On the other hand, Jeonghan also watching his fake tiger cousin spacing out of the window, losing in his own world. "Stop biting your nail." He sighed, "I won't let anything ruin our friendship. Remember, we're doing this for everyone."

They need to do something before it's too late, before Jia drowns deeper into the water she doesn't realise she puts herself in. Because if they don't do it, who will?

"Hmmm" Hoshi nodded.


A sky blue McLaren that has just arrives is parking right facing them as it honks loudly a few times, announcing its arrival while turning on the full beam headlights that almost turn the two blind by its brightness.

"What the fuck!"

Jeonghan roll down the window immediately, putting his hand out to signal the person to come over to their car because man is annoying the heck out of them even before they get to talk.

He stop the engine, lock the door and makes his way hesitatingly to the backseat of Jeonghan and Hoshi's car while the two sit in the front seat. Man is ready to fight anytime if he feels unsecured because first of all what is their intention with him?

"Hi"  Hoshi said as soon as the door close,  "Do you bring gun?"

He keeps his postures straight and cautious as if he's in military training.  "Why are you asking?" Jungkook asked.

"Is it a flex that a mafia's son is actually scared of us?"  Jeonghan laugh while offering him a McDonald they got from drive through on the way here. It's funny that they really got him a hamburger and just casually waited to eat together when the other person was being guarded the entire time.  "Here is your Big Mac. Do you like ketchup?"

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