Chapter 1: Murder of Innocents

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"Life is full of sufferings
                                    Learn to deal with it."

Chapter 1: Murder of Innocents


"Darkness.. Fills.. Your head.. Come on, crack the code.."
"Eyes.. Wide open.. Full of blood.. A terrible sight.. Darkn-"

"Ughughh! What what.. is this v-voice?!" A young man, nearly 23 years of age, shouted.
"Can you.. Shut u-up whoever and whatever you are?! You are bugging me." The man was lucky to be shouting in his house, or else he might have been stared at.

"The halls of darkness.. Is the path you shall take.."

"The halls of.. darkness? Will.. It lead s-somewhere? Huh.. Let's see.." Interested by the fact, he wanted to search the town for the so called "The halls of darkness" thing.

The town was a quiet one, a place of no events, no parties, no weddings, no nothing and so, it was known as "Boreon", which meant that boredom fills this land.

"Halls of darkness.. Why am I listening to.. this voice of someone? Ugh." He felt stupid listening to this voice. But maybe.. Just maybe it will be right. As he drove in his Jeep, he noticed an accident on the road. Naturally, he got out of his car and made his way there. The police were involved as well, they were searching the area for something.

"Uhm.. hello officers. What.. Ha-happened here?" He asked, curious for the answer.

"What are you doing here? This is an investigating area, you are not supposed to be here." The officer demanded him to leave.

"I am.. a detective. Maybe I-I can help?"



"What's your name? Who are you? Tell me about yourself."

"My name is Shaun, a person with autism and savant syndrome. I am 23 years of age and I am currently in search of a case to solve."

"Shawn.. you had a grandfather, right?"


"He was a friend of mine. He told me that you are an excellent detective. Have some room to help me out here?"

Flashback Starts

An old cottage filled with files and books. Two silhouettes enjoying a cup of tea, talking about someone. The cottage was an office for one of the two silhouettes.

"Found a new detective?"

"Who? You are the only one around here, gramps."

"Hphm.. You have much to see and learn.. *He* will make his way up the ranks.. I am sure of it. He is skilled in every aspects of life..."


"My grandson. He will be a great detective and his name will be written in history books."

" his name?"

"Shaun Murphy, detective Shaun."

Flashback Ended

"He-Hello officer. I am willing to help you and your team. If my grandpa was friends with you, then I can trust you. Don't do anything that will break my trust." Shaun requested.

"Ahh.. no need to worry, Shaun. Your trust is safe with me." The officer replied. "Oh.. by the way, I am officer Jackson, nice to meet you, detective Murphy."


"So, what is the case for me to solve?" Shaun asked.

"Two people, a male and a female, were brutally murdered by someone using a knife. The bodies were found on the St.34 street, the road we are on right now. The victims were a couple, both in their mid 20s." Officer Jackson informed Shaun of the situation.

"Some more information?"

"The victims had many arch nemesis. They weren't any quiet victims, we think that the victims wanted to murder someone themselves, but got caught in the end. The crime scene says much. Take a look."

Investigating area

The victims are a male and a female. The cause of death seems to be the stabbings caused by a sharp knife. The victims, also, had a knife in each one of their hands. The scratch marks on the roads and the side railings likely means there was a struggle.

We aren't sure if the victims wanted to murder, but the culprit must have planned this out due to their odd choice of place. They murdered two people in the middle of the road and didn't get caught.

The security camera didn't catch anything. The victims and culprit were not visible. They were blurry. However, the culprit did seemed to have an accomplice. The black van that the culprit got into is likely the work of his partner. The footage was brought by the policemen investigating the crime.

There are no leads according to officer Jackson. The evidence all points to nothing for now.

Investigating finished.
Deductions start

"Hmm.. was the crime scene thoroughly examined?" Shaun asked.

"Yes, of course. We wouldn't be officers if we didn't do that right." Officer Jackson reassured Shaun.

"So, officer Jackson.. what do you think happened here?"

"Hmmm.. the victims were trying to backstab the culprit. The culprit might have been a master of combat and dealt with them. The culprit and victims were in a hurry and wanted to kill one another. They fought and created the marks.

They kept going and going. The victims might not have experienced real combat and had no idea of what they were doing. The culprit, a master of combat, murdered both the victims. This is my thinking. What do you think, Detective Murphy?" The officer claimed.

'The victims and culprit had a struggle? They fought? The victims wanted to kill the culprit but it backfired? The victims and culprit fought using the knives, right?
Shaun thought.

"Officer Jackson, can you please hand me the victims knives? I want to check something."

"Sure! Hey Billy, give me those knives of the victims."

"So, what is it that you wanted to check?"

Shaun stayed silent. He carefully examined the knives, his eyes only focusing on the weapons. His hands rubbed against the knives. The knife was sharp as ever. Shaun accidentally cut his finger.

"Detective.. what are you doing?! An infection might occur!"

"Hm.. the knives are sharp, aren't they? They were used in the fight according to you and your team, right?"

"Yes, of course they will be sharp. They were the one which caused the markings of the road and railings!"

"Hphm.. you don't understand officer. Let's see.. I think that-"

Deductions to be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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