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"We have another victim, and this time it hits home, it's Jay" Antonio said shakily as he walked into Hank Voights office

"Fuck, has anyone called Will?" Hank asked

"Yea, I have, and he's let Connor know as well" Antonio continued, running beside Hank as the pair ran towards the car park

"How bad is it?" Hank asked as he jumped into the truck with Antonio

"He was out running, perp attacked him from
behind, I spoke to Brett and she confirmed sexual assault" Antonio said

"Fuck" Hank sighed, running a hand through his hair

The pair arrived at the hospital within 10 minutes, and were met by Ethan Choi who smiled worryingly at them.

"He won't let anyone into the room, Connor is worried" Ethan said, guiding the men into the hospital

"Where's Connor?" Hank asked, but stopping when he saw his son sat against a wall outside the treatment room

"I'll stay with Ethan, get some details, you stay with them" Antonio said softly

Hank only nodded, walking towards Justin and sat down next to Connor. The young trauma surgeon didn't speak, instead he just sighed and leaned against his fathers larger body.

"He won't even let me in" Connor whispered

"He's probably very scared kid, who's in there with him?" Hank asked

"April, he wouldn't even let Will in there, I just want to see him" Connor whimpered, wiping tears from his eyes

"I'll see if I can see him, just take a breath ok" Hank said, kissing Connors head gently as he stood up

"Thanks dad" the doctor said softly

Stepping up to the treatment room, the Sergeant knocked on the door softly, looking back at Connor as the door opened slowly. April smiled softly at the older man, and allowed him in but he stopped at the door to see how Jay would react.

"Jay, are you ok with me being here?" Hank asked softly

"I didn't want him to do it Sarge, I told him to stop" Jay cried, looking at his boss

"I know you didn't buddy, Connor is worried about you" Hank said, sitting on the bed beside Jay who tensed up

"He's gonna hate me" Jay whimpered, looking at Hank who had to hold back the wince at the state of the younger Detectives face

Jay had a black eye and a split lip but the worst was the usual light that was in his eye had disappeared completely. Hank took Jays hands in his and gently squeezed them, smiling softly at his son in law.

"He took my ring, Connor can't know" Jay cried

"Bud, I'm sure Connor will be more concerned about your health than the ring" Hank said softly

"Is he here?" Jay asked quietly

"He's outside, can he come in?" Hank asked softly

"Yes please" Jay said, fiddling with the rings that were

"I'll get him" April said softly, walking out the room for a moment before the reopened and Connor walked in with a worried smile on his face

"Hi baby" Connor whispered, taking Hanks spot on the bed

"He has my ring, he took my ring" Jay cried

"We can get you another one, but I'm more worried about you baby" Connor said gently, pulling his husband in for a hug

"You won't need to, Adam and Kevin just found our perp, he has the ring on him, they'll
bring it over once they have finished processing" Hank said

"Thanks dad" Connor smiled

"I'll leave you two alone, pick up Jays ring and bring it back" Hank said, kissing Jays head which was hidden in Connor's chest

Connor sat silently with Jay hidden in his chest, the smaller man breathing softly his hands tightly holding the back of the red scrubs that Connor was wearing.

"Lay down baby, get some sleep" Connor whispered, pushing Jay away softly and helping him settle under the blankets

"You won't leave me right?" Jay asked quietly

"I'm going to lie down with you, bed is big enough baby" Connor smiled, kicking off his shows and climbing behind Jay

"You still love me?" Jay suddenly asked

"I'll never stop loving you baby, it wasn't your fault" Connor whispered, pressing a soft kiss on the back of Jays neck and wrapping his arms around the smaller mans hips

Jay turned around so he was facing Connor, and hid his face in the older mans chest with a soft sigh. The Detective was still trembling slightly and Connor knew it would be a good while before it stopped.

"Sleep baby boy" Connor whispered, kissing Jays head softly

"I can't, I just keep seeing his face" Jay whimpered, trying to get closer to Connor and whimpering as a knock on the door invaded the silence

Connor shushed him gently, while mumbling for the person to come in, feeling Jay relax as he saw that it was Hank.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make aure you got this back" Hank said quietly, handing Connor a small black wedding ring

"Thanks dad" the surgeon whispered, slipping it onto the finger of his husband who clenched his fist tight to feel the cold metal

"Welcome, now sleep, I'll be back later when he's discharged to take you both home" Hank said, watxhing as Jay huddled back into his husbands chest

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