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CSI: Las Vegas x Chiagco PD crossover


Greg Saunders looked at the computer blankly, willing it to give him something to work off in order to get this killer off the streets. His team had been chasing the guy for 4 months, his motive had began with just beating up his victims but had now started killing ex military personnel who were gay men.

It hit Saunders personally as his boyfriend, Jay Halstead had been one of the most recent victims, beaten to a pulp and left for dead. The ex ranger had been left with broken ribs, his left hand broken and cuts and bruises all over his body.

All the physical wounds had slowly healed only leaving small scars, but everyone knew that the emtional and mental wounds were going to last alot longer; he was already struggling with nightmares and had become more anxious. Jay was currently at home, he had yet to be allowed back to work as he hadn't yet oassed his psych exam.

"Someone to see you Greg" a Texan voice spoke, and the young lab rat looked up to see his colleague Nick Stokes standing infront of his boyfriend, Jay Halstead who was pale and looked like he was ready to collapse

"Doll, you're meant to be at home" Greg sighed, putting his stuff down and walking towards Jay

"DB wanted to see me" Jay whispered, his voice quiet

"Come on, breakroom, you can sit in there while I find DB" Greg soothed, thanking Nick and guiding Jay into the empty room

"You any closer to finding him?" Jay asked softly

"Nearly doll, you had a lot of defensive wounds which gave us loads of trace" Greg said, looking up as he heard a cough

"Jay, glad you made it in" DB said, a gentle smile on his face

"I don't think I can help you, I don't remember anything more than what I told you" Jay whispered, leaning into Gregs side and breathing in the calming smell

"I know, but we have something that we found at the scene that I want to make sure you get" DB said, reaching into his pocket and bringing out a small black ring

"You found my ring" Jay whimpered, taking it from DB and holding it tightly

"I've had it cleaned up, but it also got us a clean match with DNA for the suspect" DB said, sitting opposite the couple

"So you found him?" Jay asked, fiddling with the ring which was now back on his finger where it belonged

"He's in custody, and Brass is currently processing him, his DNA matches all the trace we found at every victim's scene" DB said

"It's over doll" Greg said, pulling Jay in closer and hugging him close

"Thank you" Jay whispered, looking at DB with tears in his eyes

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