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Chiagco PD x CSI Las Vegas crossover

kinda ties in with the previous shot


Hank Voight looked up as he hears hurried footsteps coming towards him; Greg Saunders, Nick Stokes and some of the CSI team were walking briskly down the hallway. The older Sergeant stood up as they grew closer, a tight smile on his face.

"What happened?" Greg asked, his eyes wide with worry

"He was on his way back to the lab with some evidence, suspect jumped him like the others" Hank sighed

Jay Halstead was over in Las Vegas with a few of the Intelligence Unit helping with a case; a man was targetting gay military men, beating them, raping them and then leaving them for dead.

"You left him alone?" Greg snapped suddenly

"He was alone for 10 minutes tops" Hank said, his voice rough with regret

"Those 10 minutes cost nearly cost him his life" Greg snarled

"Guys, guys, stop" Nick said, pushing between the two men

"He nearly got my fiancée killed" Greg said, pushing past the group and into the room where his lover was sitting, trembling as he looked round frantically

"Greggy, I want to go home" Jay whimpered, his voice shaking

"We can't yet doll, we have to process you, who would you prefer to do it?" Greg asked softly, sitting beside Jay and looking at his shaking hands

"Nicky, only Nicky" Jay mumbled, leaning into Greg and whimpering when the man didn't let him

"I can't touch you until Nick has processed you baby, do you want me to stay?" Greg asked

"I don't know" Jay said, whimpering as he shifted

"I'll wait outside, if you need me just let Nick know ok?" Greg said, sighing sadly as he turned away from the man wishing that he could just hug him tightly

Greg walked out of the treatment room, ignoring Jays Sergeant and walking towards Nick who watched him with careful eyes.

"He only wants you to do it" Greg said

"I'll be as quick as I can" Nick said, squeezing Gregs shoulder softly as he walked into the treatment room

"Nicky" Jay said quietly, eyes wide in fear

"Hi bud, you gave us all a bit of a scare" Nick said, placing his case on the floor and walking towards Jay

"I didn't want him to touch me" Jay whimpered

"I know kid, I'll be as quick and as gentle as I can, we need to get the evidence off your wounds" Nick said softly, pulling on some white latex gloves

"I can feel his hands on me still Nicky, please make it stop" Jay cried, hands pushing at his skin

"He's not here anymore kiddo, I promise" Nick said softly, grabbing some of the cotton buds to collect evidence from the man

Jay closed his eyes as Nick came closer, tensing up as he felt the older CSI start to touch the open wounds that were on his arms and legs. Nick felt bis heart break as Jay let out a cry of fear when the Texan touched one of the wounds on his face.

"Don't touch me, please, Greg help me" Jay cried, pushing Nick away, and tumbling off the bed and huddling into a corner

"Jay, it's ok, it's me, Nicky, I'm not going to hurt you" Nick said softly, trying to reach for Jay but stepping back as the man screamed out

"Jay, oh baby" Greg sighed as he rushed into the room

"He was fine until I touched that wound under his eye" Nick whispered softly

"Greggy" Jay said quietly, tears running down bis face

"I'm here baby, can Nicky finish that last wound?" Greg asked, crouching infront of  the smaller man

"Can I hug you now, I don't want his scent on me anymore" Jay said, ignoring the question that his partner asked him

"Of course, is that ok Nick?" Greg asked, reaching for Jay when the older CSI nodded

Jay threw himself into Gregs arms, holding him tightly as he breathed in the mans spicy aftershave. Nick sat down on the treatment and watched the pair on the floor with a soft smile on his face.

"Nick" a voice whispered

Nick looked up to see Greg looking at him expectantly, and looking at the body that was nestled on the younger CSIs, a small smile appearing as he saw that Jay had fallen asleep with his left hand clutching Gregs shirt tightly.

"I'll swab quickly, but I can't promise that he'll stay asleep" Nick said

"Just do it Nick, and then I'll deal with the rest" Greg said, wrapping his arms around Jay

The Texan nodded, and crouched down beside Greg and gently started swabbing at Jays face, shushing the man when he whimpered.

"Nicky" Jay whimpered

"We're all done kiddo, you want to get into some proper clothes" Nick asked, helping Jay stand up when he nodded

"I'm so cold" Jay mumbled, shivering as Greg helped him take his tshirt off

"I know, want my hoodie?" Greg asked, pulling the clothing off and helping the younger man into the thick hoodie

"I'll leave you too it, call me if you need anything" Nick said, oressing a soft kiss to Jays forehead as he left the room

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