The Case

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It was monday a couple weeks after the practice match. Hitomi and Sudo were changing back into their uniforms to go home. Hitomi went into his locker only to find his bag soaked.

Hitomi: Oh come on...

Sudo: What's up?

Hitomi: My bag is soaked with water...

Sudo: Ah damn that sucks man.

Hitomi: Yeah... I gotta go. See ya.

The two bumped fists and Hitomi left.


The next day Hitomi arrived at school early as usual. Horikita sat down.

Horikita: Didn't you have a practice match a couple weeks ago?

Hitomi: Yeah why?

Horikita: Did you win?

Hitomi: Why do you care?

Horikita: I suppose I'm just curious.

Hitomi: Well yeah. We wiped the floor with them.

Horikita: Good. Well why do you seem so upset?

Hitomi: Someone dumped water on my sports bag. Now it's ruined and the store won't give me a refund. Our points also got delayed. So not a great week for me so far.

Horikita: Hm... Do you know why our points are delayed?

Hitomi: Not sure. I bet we're about to find out.

Chabashira walked in.

Chabashira: I need you all to calm down. There was an incident that took place yesterday. Sudo and 3 Class C students got into an altercation and the Class C students reported it. Your points will be delayed until this is solved, however, should Sudo get suspended or worse... You'll lose all your points again.

Hitomi showed visible confusion, this was only noticed by Horikita and Chabashira.

Sudo: It was self defense! Those assholes are just jealous Hitomi and I made it as regulars.

Chabashira: Do you have proof of that?

Sudo: Proof- well no... But it's the truth!

Chabashira: As long as you have no proof the school can't be sure. The schools student council will be holding a trial to determine what happened within the next week. Use the time to gather your evidence. We are informing all students about this incident in order to try and find witnesses.

Sudo: What?! You told everyone... Damn it...

Chabashira: You have the rest of homeroom to talk.

The class began berating Sudo and even Hitomi. Blaming them for the loss of points that was about to occur.

Horikita: Are you not gonna say anything to them?

She said referring to the two girls who were bad mouthing Sudo and Hitomi. Calling Sudo an ugly hot head and Hitomi a depressing loser.

Hitomi (thoughts): What are the odds my bag gets drenched the same day Sudo allegedly beats up three Class C students? That can't be a coincidence.

Hitomi: Excuse me Chabashira?

Hitomi spoke over the class as they berated Sudo.

Chabashira: What is it?

Hitomi: Who were the three Class C students who made the report?

Chabashira: The report stated that Sudo Ken assaulted Reo Kondou, Komiya Kyogo, and Izshizaki Daichi in the special building yesterday.

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