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Life was never meant to be an easy ride. It was never meant to be a smooth sail. The journey in this dunya is expected to be rocky. The personal battles, the struggles, the hardships, the falls are all part of the tests of this dunya. But know, by the grace of Allah, that they too will pass. For light always follows darkness and ease always enter with hardship, followed by another ease, and anticipated rewards. For did you not hear the words of Allah? ‘Verily, with hardship is ease’? So keep pushing forward, keep walking even if you can’t see an open door, because Al-Fattah will provide for you from where you didn’t imagine in ways you never expected, through doors you thought were tightly locked. even exist, and then open them for you, for He is Al- Fattah! So trust him and beg out to him. He alone can provide. Your key, is patience. Your ultimate weapon is dua. And your strength is in Sujood. Your comfort is in Qur’an, and your ease is in His remembrance. 🌷

في أمنيلله♡

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