28. Int. Hallway - Morning

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Camera cuts to the hallway where the guest rooms lie, where Haden's bedroom lies. River and Stace, having made up, walk to Haden's bedroom.

River knocks on the door.

I need to ask, what changed your mind on him?

Hmm... Not really sure. I guess I just talked to him.

River knocks a couple more times, and there's no answer whatsoever.

As the two start to assume he's not inside, there's a sound of a lock unlatching from within and it opens, Haden greeting the girls.

He sees Stace standing there.

Ah. I hadn't- I hadn't expected to see you here. Both of you, but... Her mostly.

He gestures towards Stace with his other hand holding the door open.


She looks back at Stace, the back at Haden with a smile.

We made up.

Oh. Well, that's good. Very good.

He glances off as he rubs the side of his neck.

May we come inside?

Huh? Oh, uh... No. It's a bit of a mess inside.

He says with an uncomfortable laugh.

Both girls find him saying this a bit odd.

(Uncomfortable laugh)
I'm a- a bit of a slob. Don't tell anyone.

He holds his index finger up to his mouth in a joking manner.

Okay... Well, do you wanna go... And have breakfast?

Oh, sure. Will Stace be with us?

Stace gives him the eye.

Until I get to know you, call me "Stacy" please. I only let those I know call me by my nickname.

Okay. Whatever you say. So, do you wanna go?

He looks back at River.

Of course!

River turns and starts walking to her left with a pep in her step.

The still skeptical Stace looks at Haden.

Haden notices her looking at him, but doesn't bring it up, walking out of his room and following behind River.

Stace then follows behind him. Camera shows her expression closely as she follows, cutting to a dutch-angle close to the floor and shows Stace following behind.

Camera cuts away.

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