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ROLE: Protagonist, Explorer, Protector

DESCRIPTION: Storm is a rugged and adventurous explorer, embodying the spirit of the wilderness and the call of the unknown. His character is defined by this deep connection to nature, his strategic mind, and his unwavering loyalty to those he cares about. Storm's origins are intertwined with indigenous cultures, shaping his perspective and approach to life.

As a protector, Storm is fiercely devoted to safeguarding his loved ones and ensuring their well-being. His role as a husband a father figure is central to his character, although his ventures into the wilderness often take him away from home for extended periods. Despite his senses, Storm's presence is felt through his strong leadership and strategic insights.

Storm's relationship with Lanecea is complex, marked by love, loyalty, and mutual understanding. While he may not always be physically present, his influence and guidance are felt throughout their journey. Storm's interactions with native tribes further highlight his respect for different cultures and his ability to forge alliances.

Storm Cumming, also known as Commander Storm Montauban, is a commanding figure at Fort Cataraqui, overseeing Native American relations and serving as a pivotal figure in the historical reenactments and logistical aspects of Lanecea's hotel, Timeless Haven. As Lanecea's devoted husband and father to their children, Storm embodies a blend of rugged charm and unwavering loyalty, making him a central figure in "The Cry of the Wolf."

With a commanding stature and piercing gaze, Storm exudes an aura of authority and resilience. His physical appearance, weathered by experiences, adds to his rugged and timeless appeal, making him a formidable presence in any setting.

Storm's skills extend beyond familial roles; he is adept at navigating both physical and emotional challenges. His leadership qualities shine through in his interactions with guests, tribal people, and allies, earning him respect and admiration.

While he may appear reserved at first glance, those who know Storm well recognize his depth of character and unwavering loyalty. His bond with Lanecea and his commitment to their family make him not just a partner but a pillar of strength and support in their shared journey through time and trials.


ROLE: Protagonist, Time Traveler

DESCRIPTION: Lanecea is woman of remarkable depth and resilience, embodying a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern sensibilities. With roots tracing back to Acadian and British bloodlines, Lanecea possesses a keen understanding of her heritage and the intricate tapestry of history. Her role as a time traveller adds a fascinating layer to her character, allowing her to navigate seamlessly between different eras.

Lanecea is characterized by her nurturing nature, evident in her relationships with her children, stepchildren and those around her. Her connection to nature and her ability to communicate with dryads highlight her mystical side, adding an element of magic to her persona. Lanecea's vision and leadership are pivotal in creating memorable experiences, such as the event of Timeless Haven, where she orchestrates immersive journeys into the past. 

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