Return to Rakke Town

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"Cinnabot538 really scares me sometimes," Tom says as he flies the helicopter over the forest just before Rakke Town.

"But at least they got us the month," Jun says.

"A month in the middle of nowhere in Canada, awesome," Emma responds.

"Don't worry, you'll find a way to pass the time," Jun says.

Tom requests for landing and is cleared.

"Hey guys," D'Angelo says meeting them on the landing platform.

"Is Cinnabot538 here yet?" Tom asks as they get out.

"Yep, some of the sensors were on the brink so they went to help."

"So, now we just have to wait for my brother," Jun says.

"Uncle Eugene is gonna be here?" Eli asks.

"Yes, and hopefully he has matured enough to know when to listen," Tom says as they walk into ICARIS.

"Hey everyone," Alex runs up.

"Aunt Alex," Emma runs up to her.

"Oh, be careful Emma, Alex doesn't do well with being hugged tight," Tom says.

"While we wait for Eugene how about a tour of the new Rakke Town?"

They start walking through the town.

"Why do all these buildings look like domes?" Emma asks.

"They are domes, Mr. Rakke built it exactly like when we were kids, all the way down to the general store," Alex says.

They hear a helicopter land and Alex looks at her tablet.

"Looks like Eugene is here," Alex says looking at her tablet.

"Umcle Eugene!" The twins call and start to run to the landing zone of ICARIS.

"I bet he won't keep it quiet," Alex says.

"Or maybe he remembers that we didn't want to tell them until we get to the lair," Jun says.

They see Tom looking at the Dragon Book.

"What'cha looking at Tom?" Jun asks her husband.

"I'm looking at the Night Fury page, if Thunder is related to Hiccup's dragon then Thunder might have the same abilities," Tom says taking out a pile of papers.

"What are those?" D'Angelo asks joining them.

"These pages fell out when I was in my office, I deciphered them and I think Astrid wrote them."

"How do you know?" Alex asks.

"Well, I highly doubt that Hiccup would state he was afraid to watch the person he loved be eaten by a Monstrous Nightmare," Tom says what he read.

"He has a point," Jun says.

"But from what I read, Night Furies have incredible hearing. Astrid said that Toothless was 20 miles away in the forest when the final exam was happening."

"Toothless?" D'Angelo says.

"I'm thinking that was the name of Hiccup's dragon," Tom responds.

"I wonder why," Alex says.

"Night Furies have retractable teeth," Jun says.

"Anyway, if Toothless was that far away there is no way he could hear Hiccup scream," Tom says.

"It's true, even dogs don't have that kind of hearing," D'Angelo says.

"Plus, anytime I used my pickaxe Thunder always came," Tom says.

"These two are worse than Goggles," Eugene says struggling to walk with the twins hugging his legs.

"Does everyone have their suits?" Jun asks.

"I don't, it messes with my hair," Eugene says.

"Great, we are going to lose my brother-in-law to the Sky Torcher," Tom puts his hands up.

"Sky Torcher," Emma and Eli say getting off Eugene.

"Don't worry, I made an extra, I'm not going let my best non-dragon friend fry to death," Alex says throwing an extra fire suit at Eugene.

"Did you make one for our Terrible Terrors?"

"Yep," Alex says taking out child sized fire suits.

"Do we have to wear these?" Eli asks.

"If you want to find out the secret the family has kept for the past twenty years, you do," Jun says.

"But," Emma says.

"Or we can ask Cinnabot538 to turn off the internet to your dome and you can read or be bored in the dome," Tom gives an alternative.

The twins put on their suits.

"Well, I'm still not putting it on," Eugene says.

"Wendy turn off the internet to Eugene's dome," Alex says to her tablet.

"Sure thing Alex," the tablet responds.

Realizing that his best non-dragon friend isn't bluffing he quickly puts the suit on, even the helmet.

"Okay, everyone ready," Tom asks as he puts on his backpack.

"Maybe we should head to the general store and grab some fish snacks," D'Angelo says.

"Good idea, it's rude to show up empty-handed," Jun says.

"Especially with not seeing them in twenty years," Tom says as they all head to the general store.

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