Chapter 53 - Alone

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Chapter 53 — Alone

"Do you think Harry is alright? Y'know

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"Do you think Harry is alright? Y'know... with Sirius gone...?"


"All right, Ministry of Magic... now... how do I get there..." Y/n smiled to herself while looking at a map. Maybe, if she gaslighted herself into being positive that she'll get there, she'd actually make it to her destination.

"Uh... this... is north....? Right...?"

"Actually, that's west." A voice came up from behind her. It was a boy who seemed to be around her age.

Y/n nervously chuckled to herself, "Thanks... if you can tell, I'm awful at directions."

The boy shook his head kindly and smiled, "Well if you can handle navigating Hogwarts I reckoned you would be great at looking at maps. I guess my assumptions were wrong."

Y/n gasped, "Are you from Hogwarts too!? Oh wait- no one is supposed to know that I'm-"

"Alive?" The boy weakly smiled, "Yeah, when I saw you across the street I wasn't quite sure if I was hallucinating or not. Is Diggory alive too?"

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone, it's supposed to be-"

"A secret? No worries, it'll be our secret." The boy winked.

Y/n laughed, "Look at you, completing my sentences." Y/n meant that in a thankful way. The boy must have felt Y/n's panic through how fast she was talking and was trying to get her to calm down in his own way. Y/n was grateful. "So what are you doing in America? Isn't school still going?"

He nodded, "My parents didn't exactly like Umbridge as Headmistress so they pulled me and my brother out of school for 'vacation.' They've been teaching us themselves while waiting for Dumbledore to come back. And since we were pulled out for 'vacation' they reckoned it'd be the best time to actually take a vacation, so America we came."

"That's fair. Umbridge sucks." Y/n agreed. "You don't happen to know how to get to the Ministry of Magic from here, do you?"

He shook his head, "No, but I'm pretty sure one of your friends can help you."

"One of my friends?" Y/n asked, confused. "We're all underage though, we can't use magic unless in certain areas where it's approved or in a wizarding population."

"Yeah- we are, but your other friends aren't." The boy grinned, a niffler crawled onto his shoulder. Y/n's eyes widened in realization before smiling brightly, watching the boy scratch the niffler's head affectionately.

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