Chapter 21

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Snow buried her snout under her paw, and snuffed. Three days had passed and there was no sign of Luna. Snow had begun to think that they were lost. Stretching, Snow padded out and nosed through the pile of prey, and dragged out a plump squirrel, and tilted her head back, trotting under an overhanging branch. She screwed up her nose at the heat of its fur, almost burning her tongue. Snow squinted in the sunlight and panted, her fur uncomfortably hot.

The river had almost dried up and puddles of mud were left. If you went to get water, you would come back with mud-caked paws.

"It's just a dry spell," Daisy had said. "There will be one day when all the water comes down and you'll be wishing for sun again."

Snow's ears perked as she heard little thumps on the ground. "Mom! Mom! We are super-cool now, do you want to know why?" Sky yapped, his fur caked with mud, and hopping from paw to paw.

Drizzle sighed. "Why?"

"Because we rolled in super-cold mud," River scoffed. "Obviously."

"And will it be me that gets a mouthful of mud and cleans you?" Drizzle asked, crossing her paws and lying down. "Pebble, that mud should have dried up by now in this heat. Roll around and shake some of the mud off. Outside," she added quickly.

Pebble bounded off and began rolling off the ground. Standing up, she shook aggressively and chips of mud flew, one smacking her in the forehead. "Ow!" she yelped.

"Pebble, we're gonna play moss ball, are you coming?" Holly said, with Lion, Sky, River, and Storm bouncing behind her.

"Sure!" Pebble howled and spun in a circle. She dashed to a tree and placed her paws on the trunk, reaching for the moss that was drying. "I can't reach!" she wailed.

Snow chuckled, and tugged off a tuft of moss. "Who's watching you," she asked.

Storm shrugged. "No one," he said.

Snow sighed. I guess it's up to me. Snow got up and trudged out of the shade, and immediately felt fried by the sun.

"Let's do it at the ocean!" Sky cried, and dashed over to the rocks.

"Hey, pups, wait!" Snow woofed frantically. She shook her head and sighed.


Snow put her head on her paws, watching the pups tumble over each other, trying to get the ball.

So hot...

Snow stood up and pushed into the water.

"Snow! Snow! Can you swim?" Lion howled. "Can you teach me?"

Snow sighed again. "Sure, I guess. Just come over to the river with a smaller current."

The pups bounded over and poked the water curiously. There wasn't much wind so the water was calmer than usual. Snow stood out of the water. "Swimming is a lot like running in water," she explained. She took Lion's scruff in her teeth and dangled him over the water, and lowered him so the water went up to his chest. Panic shone in his eyes, and he started paddling frantically.

"Slow down," Snow grunted. "I got you."

"What if I fall?" Lion whimpered.

Snow set him back onto shore. "You won't. You never lose your balance when you run, don't you? This is like that."

Lion nodded. "I want to try that," he said with determination.

Snow dipped him back in the water and Lion started to paddle slower. Soon, he got the hang of it and Snow let go.

"I'm doing it!" Lion howled, his high voice piercing. "Come on Holly, try it!"

Holly looked hesitant, but pushed into the water and Snow bit her scruff gently. Soon, all of the pups were in the water. Sprays of water splashed and Snow flicked the water off her ears.

"Snow, you have your paws full!" Moon laughed and joined Snow in the water. "It's a good thing that the ocean won't dry up, but we can't drink it," he sounded nervous.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Snow said.

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