Chapter 143

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“I’m still going,” Meng Qi said calmly as she sat back down, her tone light but firm. As she spoke, she was tinkering with the Five Spirits Cauldron, under which a few profound-grade spirit stones emitted a faint blue light. The liquid in the cauldron churned as Meng Qi continuously added herbs to it. Soon, the liquid became thicker and more concentrated. She took a deep breath and added a small, bright red fruit as the final ingredient.

With a muted thump, a flash of red light passed through the cauldron, and all the liquid vanished, leaving behind a dark red pill the size of a thumb. Meng Qi carefully inspected the pill, nodded in satisfaction, and placed it into a smooth white porcelain bottle.

“It smells weird,” Ji Wujiong, who had been watching Meng Qi’s actions, sniffed the air. Suddenly, a look of disbelief flashed on his face: “Is this a Nirvana Pill?!”

“Yes,” Meng Qi nodded. Most ingredients for the Nirvana Pill were relatively easy to find, but the key ingredient was the hardest—the Phoenix Fruit. Many medical cultivators in the Three Thousand Worlds knew how to make Nirvana Pills, but Phoenix Fruits were extremely hard to find. After buying so many herbs from Beyond The Heaven, all Meng Qi needed was enough time to refine all the Phoenix Fruits into Nirvana Pills.

“…” Ji Wujiong stared at Meng Qi as she repeated her actions. Belying its value, the small crimson fruit in her slender, fair fingers looked quite ordinary. For a while, he was at a loss for words—where did Meng Qi find these Phoenix Fruits?

A cold light suddenly flashed in Ji Wujiong’s eyes as he realized something. Could it be… the Starfallen Sea?

Ji Wujiong lowered his eyelids, hiding the light in his eyes. “Nirvana Pills are not very useful for you,” he said after a moment of silence, watching as Meng Qi finished another pill.

“I know,” Meng Qi responded lightly.

“Didn’t you say you bought some defensive artifacts? Show them to me.” Ji Wujiong then said again. He no longer tried to dissuade Meng Qi from going to the Ten Absolutes Mountain. His previous words were just to inform her of what he knew and, being Meng Qi’s master, to offer some perfunctory advice.

Meng Qi took out a bunch of sixth-realm artifacts she had bought and placed them on the table in front of Ji Wujiong.

“Look what we have here…” Ji Wujiong picked up a palm-sized jade pendant and glanced at it casually, “Tsk… the jade is good quality, and wearing it as a regular amulet might ward off evil. But is this what Tianhai Pavilion produces?! Just a toy, no different from a regular amulet. What a waste of good resources.”

Meng Qi glanced at the artifact, remembering it was called the Guiyuan Amulet, carved from a rare kind of jade known for warding off evil. Wearing it could indeed repel common poisons and miasmas, hence its name. Tianhai Pavilion had turned the jade into the Guiyuan Amulet and added a Sandstorm Spell to it, which could summon a protective sandstorm around the wearer. In Meng Qi’s opinion, it was a quite practical defense.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Ji Wujiong picked up another artifact, “Didn’t they say Tianhai Pavilion has revived an ancient inheritance and their refinery skills have improved dramatically in recent centuries? Is this the result of their progress? Were they just making pots and pans for common folk before?”

Meng Qi didn’t even bother to look at what he was holding this time. In Ji Wujiong’s eyes, aside from himself, there probably wasn’t anything in this world worthy of note. She focused on the Five Spirits Cauldron, repeating her previous actions.

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