Accros the horizon

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|.| pencil p.o.v |.|

I swear on my life this blackhole has to do with the announcer but im gonna make sure match and I make it out of this alive.

I need to make it out of this with my alliance in tact.

Well at least with match.

Soon my thoughts were taken over by the distant horizon of yoyle city.

"Look pence-pence! It's like yoyle city!" Match said with her beautiful voice, I wasn't listening I was too busy staring at yoyle city with everyone else.

"Yeah.." I muttered slightly under my breath before walking closer towards it.

Its beautiful...

match says something but I don't hear it, im too busy looking at the hypnotising horizon of yoyle city.

"Pencil listen to me!" She stood in front of me making me gasp.

She was standing in front of me and behind her was the sunrise and just in front of the sunrise was the ravishing run down land of yoyle city..

|.|Match p.o.v|.|

I don't understand why pencil wont listen to me, Is there something behind me?

"What are you like, looking at leader pencil?" I finally asked her.

"I-I uhm y-you look pretty" pencil mumbled under her breath.

what is she even thinking- WAIT DID SHE JUST SAY I LOOK PRETTY??

I paused and stared to blush before eraser pushed us apart and said

"Stop being all lovey dovey or the blackhole will catch up and kill you both" eraser just ruined the moment..

"Next time you and pen are flirting im going to ruin it for you" pencil said bitterly

Omg she is so like, majorly cute, im going insane..

"At least I don't like match" i heard eraser say before they started fighting again.

"Yeah well at least my love life isn't so bad to the point I like 2 people!" That was the last thing i heard her say before they started a physical fight

"Guys stop it! We are running out of time let's go!" Pen butted in to stop the fight.

"Ok pen" eraser said before walking away towards yoyle city

"Yeah that's right pussy!" Pencil yelled and started walking away as well as everyone else.

/sorry its another short basically romance chapter but the next chapter will have someone who will die (can someone choose a season 1 contestant to die)\

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