Chapter 22 - Appreciation

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The ship crash landed in one piece. A few short circuits here and there and some wires dangling from the ceiling, but otherwise it was intact. The team was holding on tightly to different parts of the ship when the ship came to a stop.

"ughh, this armor really needs more padding." Reinhardt groaned in pain.

"We made it?" Briggite asked, surprised. "I mean. Yeah we made it!" Brigitte said, trying to sound more confident the second time.

"Tracer, you are the pilot from here on out. Please." Genji said as he got to his feet.

"Oh don't you listen to them. You're the best Brigitte!" Lucio said, trying to cheer her on.

The doors to the jumpship lowered and they stepped out onto the Null Sector airship. They were immediately greeted with heavy fire. Reinhardt put his shield up.

"Come on, everybody out!" Reinhardt called out.

"No, Winston needs our help. Brigitte take us down immediately! Genji, you stay and help Reinhardt's team while Brigitte, Echo and I go back to the surface." Mercy commanded.

Genji nodded his head as he dashed forward into combat. The ship creaked as it slowly began levitating and finally flew out of the destroyed wall it came through. Reinhardt provided cover for the smaller members of his team while they dealt with all the machines.

"They know we are here. They won't stop coming." Lucio said.

"Then we won't stop fighting! Haha I never tire of this!" Reinhardt laughed as he charged and swung his hammer through the machines.

"We need a plan. The ship is still pumping out omniums to the surface." Genji added.

"Do you all not know how ships this big operate? There has to be a reactor on the ship. All we need to do is cause it to go critical and it will destroy itself along with the ship." Tracer informed them.

Mei heard the words destroy and immediately held on tightly to the canister on her back. She just rebuilt it and was worried she might have to use it again to destroy this aircraft.

"Don't worry Mei. I don't think we will need it this time." Tracer laughed.

"Okay. That's cool but does anyone know where this reactor is?" Lucio asked.

"hmmm-" Tracer thought before being interrupted by Genji on comms.

"Reinhardt and I found the bridge. Just follow the path you are on and you will get to us."

The bridge was operational without any supervision by any omnics, as expected from omnium airships

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The bridge was operational without any supervision by any omnics, as expected from omnium airships. There was a large window overlooking Rio. Lucio stood staring out into his beloved hometown and what it has become. The tall buildings that used to touch the clouds were no longer there. Fires and smoke were rising from the streets and a large dust cloud simmered over the entire city. He felt anger boil inside him but also a deep sadness for all the people who got hurt.

Overwatch (the lore)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora