Chapter 3-The Scout

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Vincent had been gone for an hour, although it had seemed much longer to Legend and Will, who paced the cottage restlessly, recounting their encounter with the bird to Jane and Myra, and peeking out the window every few minutes for signs of their father's return. Legend and Will passed a look of concern back and forth, which was only amplified by Jane's worried pacing. They had asked questions, but the only information Jane had divulged was that "there are tales birds, black birds..." Her voice trailed off, to the utter frustration of the boys, but she would not explain further.

When he came, Vincent seemed in a hurry, walking briskly down the dirt path from town, dust rising into the dry air with each footfall.

"Boys," he called from outside, the door opening to him abruptly as he reached for the knob. "Come with me, quick!"

"What is it, Vincent?" Jane asked, unable to conceal her anxiety.

"The Council is assembled," he answered, "they want to hear the boys' version of what happened." Legend swallowed hard, already trying to decide how much of the truth he should reveal, wishing he and Will could communicate telepathically so they could decide on a consistent story. Legend wasn't in the habit of lying, but telling the Council that he'd been on the edge of town, sending magical winged creatures out into the clear, blue sky (not to mention he'd been perched high off the ground in a tree, which both his and Will's parents had forbidden) sounded to him like a fast track to double trouble.

And then Legend learned that just as time can seem to slow down when you want it to speed up, it can also seem to rush at you uncontrollably just when you wish it would stop! The walk into town center was a blur of colors and sounds and faces. It felt to Legend that the air was pressing in on his head and chest, clouding his thoughts and strangling his breath. They walked in silence, Vincent between the two boys.

Vincent pushed open the door to the Council chambers. It creaked on its rusty, aged hinges, allowing shafts of light to penetrate the dim-lit room. Legend had never been in the chamber before; only the Council and those they invited were permitted entry, and he had never heard of a child gaining access. Legend and Will followed Vincent across the threshold, blinking hard as their eyes attempted to adjust to the dark shadows inside. There was a large, round table, wooden and worn and carved with strange symbols, surrounded by twelve high backed chairs. Each chair was occupied by a man, some older than others, but to Legend and Will, they all appeared ancient. Half of them had long, silvery white hair, and the other half were bald. Those with long hair had no beards, but the bald men wore impressive beards of varying thickness, lengths, and shades of grey.

"Welcome Mister Bramble, Mister Bramble, and Mister Buckley," the head councilman announced. Legend didn't think he liked being called "Mister," but Vincent bowed his head respectfully, and the two boys followed in like fashion. "What news boys? Your father tells me the two of you had a close encounter with a Craven."

Legend and Will looked at each other questioningly, then back to the council with blank confusion. "A Craven?" Legend squeaked.

"The black bird," the head councilman explained flatly. Legend stole a glance at Will, who nodded encouragingly. 

"Y-yes, sir," Legend said. There was an awkward silence as all eyes bore down upon Legend and Will. They both shifted nervously, neither offering any details.

With that, there was an outburst of questions from all directions. Only two of the councilmen remained silent, the head councilman carefully watching the boys and another man seated to the side with his head bent, seemingly unaware of the banter. There were so many questions being shouted at once, that Legend couldn't focus on just one and it all became a cacophony of sound.

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