Chapter 45: Weaseling a Way Out

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Crownslayer can't remain calm anymore.

"Get ready, we need to move out immediately!" she exclaimed.

Xiu Xian nodded, but he was thinking about something else: How did the LGD find them so quickly? It shouldn't have been possible.

They were spread thin trying to catch Exusiai and Texas and were dealing with the remaining members of the gang that had rammed their car. They should have needed time to interrogate them. Lungmen doesn't have a Skynet or whatever, so how did they pinpoint their location so accurately in such a short time?

As Xiu Xian recalled his training in the Lungmen Guard Department, a sudden realization struck him.

"No way," Xiu Xian murmured as he quickly searched his body. He removed his jacket and finally found a small button-like device attached to his collar.

This device, familiar to Xiu Xian, was a location transmitter used for tracking.

Xiu Xian chuckled bitterly to himself, "A special inspector is indeed formidable. Her intuition is crazy accurate."

Xiu Xian felt that his actions at the time were completely innocuous, especially with Chen providing cover. The only one that really interacted with them was Hoshiguma. This senior inspector couldn't have caught onto any tangible evidence of their identity. Besides intuition, Xiu Xian couldn't think of any other reason.

But thoughts aside, Xiu Xian had to figure out how to resolve this situation.

Pinching the transmitter on his body, Xiu Xian headed towards the house.

Upon entering, Xiu Xian saw Eli preparing to execute the three members of the gang.

"Hold on!" Xiu Xian shouted, stopping him. As he approached, Xiu Xian said, "Did you forget what the boss said?"

Eli was puzzled. "Boss? What do you..."

Before he could finish, Xiu Xian cut him off. "We're here for a rescue mission, not to be murderers! We've already killed one, let's not stir up more trouble for ourselves."

With that, Xiu Xian took the dagger from Eli's hand, wiped it with his clothes, and handed it to one of the gang members. "Hold this."

The gang member seemed to realize something and vigorously shook his head.

Xiu Xian then handed the dagger to another member. "Take this, if he dies, you get to live."

With determination, the man snatched the dagger from Xiu Xian's hand and plunged it into the body of his companion. As blood flowed and his companion's face registered disbelief, he looked at Xiu Xian through gritted teeth. "Can I... be let go now?"

Xiu Xian patted him on the shoulder from inside his sleeve. "Well done."

The man looked at Xiu Xian with a hint of ferocity.

Xiu Xian, nonchalantly, nodded towards the burly Eli, then turned to Crownslayer. "Come out for a moment."

Crownslayer was anxious, but Xiu Xian's previous actions had proven his rationality and capability. So Crownslayer followed him out.

"At an urgent time like this, what are you trying to do?" she asked, puzzled.

"Leader, aren't you concerned that we were found so quickly?" Xiu Xian began. "We've only been here for a short while. It took about half an hour for the LGD to pinpoint our location so accurately."

Crownslayer was taken aback, then her expression changed. "Are you saying there's a mole on our side too?"

Xiu Xian covered his face in exasperation. "What are you thinking? Who among us could be the mole?"

"It's not you, it's not me," Crownslayer pondered. "Chu Ning doesn't know our location, so it must be Galileo or..." Crownslayer glanced back at the house.

"Forget it, that big idiot," Xiu Xian waved his hand. "If there were a mole on our side, Lungmen would have captured us by now. So, Leader, pardon me-"

With that, Xiu Xian reached out to Crownslayer.

"Hey hey hey!" Crownslayer quickly backed away. "What are you doing?"

"A tracking device," Xiu Xian explained. "If Lungmen found us so quickly and it wasn't because we left a clue, then the problem must be that we were tracked!"

"Why did you touch my chest though?"

"Given the circumstances, are you still concerned about these details?"

"If it's at the front, I can reach it..." Crownslayer turned around, feeling embarrassed. "You... you can search from my back."

Xiu Xian took a deep breath, reached from below, and slowly moved his hand upwards. Eventually, he found a small black button-like device in the same place as his was.

After some consideration, Xiu Xian moved his hand further downwards before telling Crownslayer. "Found it. Under the hem of your coat, it's this."

Looking at the object in Xiu Xian's hand, Crownslayer frowned, "When was it planted?"

Xiu Xian glanced at Crownslayer's rear, "This spot... sigh, let's talk about this later. For now, let's focus on how to break out."

"How are we going to escape?" Crownslayer asked.

Xiu Xian smiled faintly, "By foot, of course"


The Special Ops team moved like ghosts in the darkness, steadily approaching Xiu Xian's location, while the encirclement tightened.

However, they were on foot, so it would take some time.

But just then, Chen's earpiece received a message from the command vehicle, "Target is on the move! Heading southwest."

Swire looked at Chen, "That's the least guarded area for our officers."

Hoshiguma made a quick decision, "Hurry! Advance rapidly! Notify support!"

Meanwhile, the sound of engines roared in the slums!

"The target is moving at high speed!" There was an immediate response from the command vehicle, "There must be a vehicle!"

"Damn it!" Hoshiguma slammed her shield onto the ground, pressing the earpiece firmly, "All units, attention! The target is on the move! Chase!"

With that, Hoshiguma looked at the other two, "Let's hurry back to the car. It looks like another chase is on! I hate riding in these police cars!"

"How were we discovered?" Swire followed behind, bewildered.

Chen replied, "This is the slums, the underground world. There is always intel that we can't control. Anyway, let's catch them first and then figure it out!"

At this point, Chen had already let go of her worries. Xiu Xian wasn't the type to make a scene, or rather, once he realized they were coming, he should become alert. Direct exposure wasn't his style.

'Who are the unlucky scapegoats this time?' Chen thought to herself.


Listening to the fading footsteps, Xiu Xian led Crownslayer and Eli out of the previous hideout.

He took a deep breath and then smiled, "See, problem solved, right?"

Eli looked at Xiu Xian in amazement. "You can weasel your way out of even that?"

"Alright, we can save the praise for later!" Crownslayer said. "Those two guys will probably be caught soon. Let's withdraw. Um... which way?"

"Follow me," Xiu Xian beckoned. "Don't forget, I'm from Lungmen. I know this place well."

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