Chapter 38: Unexpected Visitors

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"Hey, hey~ Eli, have you heard the story of the red thread?"

Xiu Xian's voice sounded eerie through the communication device.

"I haven't heard it, and I don't want to!"

"Did you know that some medical schools have cadavers? From what I've heard, a male student was studying alone in the classroom until late at night. When he decided to go back to his dormitory to sleep, a girl entered the elevator with him."

"Shut up!"

Galileo chimed in, "Let him cook, let him cook!"

Xiu Xian continued, "Then the elevator started going down. After reaching the first floor, it didn't stop. It continued descending all the way to the second level of the basement, and the girl was about to get out. That male student quickly grabbed her."

"The girl asked what was wrong, and the boy replied that the floor was the school's medical specimen storage, including the morgue. So it's probably a good idea to not get out."

"The girl listened to the boy, returned to the elevator, and asked him how he knew."

"The boy was delighted and showed off that he was a medical student. He also said that there's a red thread tied to the feet of every cadaver in the school. The girl laughed and lifted her skirt, asking, 'Like this one?'"

Eliask was silent for a moment, then erupted in profanity, "What the f***! I'm requesting a change of location, boss! I demand that this bastard be kicked out of the team!"

"What are you, five?" Crownslayer's voice was displeased. "Is this reaction really necessary? And, Xiu Fei Fan, do you have nothing better to do? Hide properly and stop wasting time."

"Alright, alright, the leader's word is law," Xiu Xian's voice sounded playful. "Eli, I'll tell you the story of the upside-down bride later."

"You bastard, shut up!"

The communication device then picked up Galileo's hearty laughter, "I never expected that Eli, the big man himself, would be afraid of ghosts!"

"Shut up! You simp!"


The banter and teasing between these two eased the tense atmosphere on Xiu Xian's end, although he wasn't sure just how nervous Eliask was. Xiu Xian wasn't one to shy away from retaliating when provoked, even if it wasn't a big deal. Given Eliask's previous attitude towards him, he couldn't resist teasing the Ursine.

What a great opportunity it was.

However, there were still tasks that needed to be carried out. Among the five of them, aside from Galileo overseeing the hotel and providing technical assistance, the others all had their own designated locations.

Including Crownslayer.

If Xiu Xian's group was meant to test the subordinates, then Crownslayer's true test lay with He Lao

If He Lao is the spy, Crownslayer should have drawn attention to herself today, even if no issues with the subordinates had arisen.

Meanwhile, Xiu Xian was on the rooftop of an unfinished building, a structure with only around ten floors. It had been quarantined due to a case of Oripathy infection, which had claimed the life of an infected miner. Without the quarantine, it would have been inhabited by homeless individuals.

Xiu Xian waited patiently until finally, there was some movement below.

"I've got someone coming in on my end," Xiu Xian opened the communication and whispered, "It seems like they're our own people. Which team is mine again?"

"Team two," Chu Ning replied, "I have team one here, and Eliask has team three. My people have also arrived."

"So have mine," Eliask responded with a sigh of relief, "If that's the case, is everything good?"

"It's not necessarily that simple," Chu Ning answered, "The team was there when me and Fei Fan got ambushed, but the LGD still came, didn't they?"

"That was to investigate documents," Eliask said, "But this time, we've released information stating that we've found the target. It's a different level of operation. If I were a mole, I'd immediately inform them to close the net."

Xiu Xian interrupted, "Let's see first."

Xiu Xian stared at the contact team from Reunion. They were hiding in various corners, disappearing from his sight.

Before long, the main gate opened, and another group of individuals, dressed in hooligan attire, entered the unfinished building. Before coming in, they looked around cautiously.

A smirk curled up at the corner of Xiu Xian's mouth. He then activated his communication device, saying, "Got them. I'm responsible for team two, right? I've got others coming in on my end."

"What?" Chu Ning's voice on the other end was filled with astonishment. "Who's on your end?"

"It looks like some street gang members. I don't know their specific identities," Xiu Xian replied. "What's up?"

"This is strange!" Chu Ning's voice was full of disbelief. "I also have outsiders here, judging by their attire, they seem like a bunch of thugs. Could it be that team one also has a problem?"

"Wait a damn minute," Eliask's voice came in, agitated. "What the hell is happening? I've got a group of gangsters here too! Is Team Three also compromised? That can't be right! There are only three teams assigned to the contact points now!"

Xiu Xian was dumbfounded; this had gone way too far!

Crownslayer's voice then rang out, trembling with anger: "Can you confirm the true identities of those bastards?"

"I'll try," Xiu Xian said, "They've all hidden themselves now. I'll cause a conflict to scout ahead."

With that, Xiu Xian surreptitiously made his way to the ground floor and then suddenly burst out, pointing to the right, "The target is on the right! I see him!"

A thunderous series of footsteps ensued. Xiu Xian raced ahead, took a sharp turn, and leaped up to the third floor, his eyes fixed on the wall.

Down below, due to his interference, both the street gang and the Reunion members who had come to assist spotted each other. Initially, they were stunned, then they immediately shouted and started fighting.

One of the Reunion members yelled, "Don't hit me! We're on the same side! We're on the same side!"

Xiu Xian observed the situation below and realized, "Found them, at..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the sealed main gate was abruptly kicked open.

Following that, the lively voice of a spirited girl rang out, "Ah-ha, they're really fighting! Looks like it's happening right here! Today's mission can finally be completed~!"

The girl had a halo above her head, and her wine-red, purplish hair framed her extremely confident and joyful face.

Beside her, a girl wielding a sword appeared completely at odds with the cheerful one, exuding an icy demeanor.

"Let's get to work, Exusiai," said the girl with the sword, "before the others arrive." With that, she charged out!

One of the gang members shouted, "Bosses! You've finally arrived!"

Xiu Xian was left dumbfounded...

What the hell is going on? Why did the situation deviate so much from the script? Had they accidentally baited a bunch of sharks with their plan?

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